Смотреть что такое "confederationist" в других словарях:
confederationist — See confederationism. * * * … Universalium
confederationist — 1. noun a) A supporter of confederation. b) A supporter of Canadian Confederation. 2. adjective Of or relating to a political movement in favour of Canadian Con … Wiktionary
confederationist — con·fed·er·a·tion·ist … English syllables
confederationist — sh(ə)nə̇st noun ( s) : a supporter or adherent of a confederation or of a policy of confederating … Useful english dictionary
confederation — confederationism, n. confederationist, n. /keuhn fed euh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of confederating. 2. the state of being confederated. 3. a league or alliance. 4. a group of confederates, esp. of states more or less permanently united for… … Universalium
Texas v. White — ▪ law case (1869), U.S. Supreme Court case in which it was held that the United States is “an indestructible union” from which no state can secede. In 1850 the state of Texas received $10,000,000 in federal government bonds in settlement of … Universalium
Confederation — noun a) In Canada, the federal union of provinces and territories which formed Canada, beginning with New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec, and later including all the others. b) In … Wiktionary
Miller, William — H Anti Confederationist, changes his views, and moves resolution authorizing Nova Scotia delegates to frame Confederation scheme in London, 179; brings action against Annand for libel, 188 … The makers of Canada
con|fed|er|al|ist — «kuhn FEHD uhr uh lihst, FEHD ruh », noun. 1. a person who believes in confederation; confederationist: »The confederalists look forward to…the Europe of nation states (London Times). 2. a member of a confederation … Useful english dictionary