
1. [kənʹkʌrənt] n
1. сопутствующее обстоятельство
2. шотл. юр. лицо, сопровождающее судебного чиновника
3. редк. конкурент
2. [kənʹkʌrənt] a
1. 1) совпадающий; действующий одновременно или совместно

the concurrent existence of two different systems - одновременное существование двух различных систем

concurrent reaction - хим. сопутствующая или побочная реакция

2) согласованный; совпадающий

the concurrent views of several experts - единая /совпадающая/ точка зрения нескольких экспертов

my opinion is concurrent with yours - моё мнение совпадает с вашим

2. пересекающийся

concurrent lines - мат. прямые, имеющие общую точку

3. вчт. совмещённый, одновременный

concurrent processes - параллельные процессы

concurrent programming - параллельное программирование

4. юр. параллельный (о юрисдикции и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "concurrent" в других словарях:

  • concurrent — concurrent, ente [ kɔ̃kyrɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. • 1119; lat. concurrens, de concurrere « accourir ensemble » 1 ♦ Astron. Jours concurrents, ou ellipt les concurrents : jours qui s ajoutent aux cinquante deux semaines de l année pour faire concorder …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • concurrent — con·cur·rent /kən kər ənt/ adj 1: occurring, arising, or operating at the same time often in relationship, conjunction, association, or cooperation the power of taxation in the general and state governments is acknowledged to be concurrent… …   Law dictionary

  • concurrent — concurrent, ente (kon ku rran, ran t ) s. m. et f. 1°   Celui, celle qui prétend à une chose en même temps qu un autre. •   Il s est débarrassé de la foule importune, Du turbulent espoir de tant de concurrents, CORN. Pulch. II, 1. •   La reine… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Concurrent — Con*cur rent, a. [F. concurrent, L. concurrens, p. pr. of concurrere.] 1. Acting in conjunction; agreeing in the same act or opinion; contributing to the same event or effect; co[ o]perating. [1913 Webster] I join with these laws the personal… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • concurrent — UK US /kənˈkʌrənt/ adjective ► happening or existing at the same time as something else: »Delivery of the goods and payment of the price are concurrent conditions, and must therefore occur at the same time. concurrent with sth »Competitions for… …   Financial and business terms

  • Concurrent ML — Auteur John Reppy Dernière version 110.71 (16 septembre 2009) [ …   Wikipédia en Français

  • concurrent — late 14c., from O.Fr. concurrent or directly from L. concurrentem (nom. concurrens), prp. of concurrere (see CONCUR (Cf. concur)). Related: Concurrency; concurrently. Concurrent jurisdiction is recorded from 1767 …   Etymology dictionary

  • concurrent — [kən kʉr′ənt] adj. [ME < L concurrens: prp. of concurrere,CONCUR] 1. occurring at the same time; existing together 2. meeting in or going toward the same point; converging 3. acting together; cooperating 4. in agreement; harmonious 5.… …   English World dictionary

  • Concurrent — Con*cur rent, n. 1. One who, or that which, concurs; a joint or contributory cause. [1913 Webster] To all affairs of importance there are three necessary concurrents . . . time, industry, and faculties. Dr. H. More. [1913 Webster] 2. One pursuing …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Concurrent ML — (CML) is a concurrent extension of the Standard ML programming language. Sample Code Here is sample code to print hello, world to the console. It spawns a thread which creates a channel for strings. This thread then spawns another thread which… …   Wikipedia

  • concurrent — [adj1] simultaneous circumstantial, coeval, coexisting, coincident, concerted, concomitant, contemporaneous, incidental, in sync, parallel, synchronal, synchronous; concept 799 concurrent [adj2] agreeing, converging allied, at one, centrolineal,… …   New thesaurus

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