
1. [ʹkɒmpaʋnd] n
1. физ., хим. соединение; смесь; состав
2. лингв. сложное слово
3. тех. компаунд-машина
2. [ʹkɒmpaʋnd] a спец.
составной, сложный

compound word - лингв. сложное слово

compound sentence - грам. сложносочинённое предложение

compound predicate - грам. составное сказуемое

compound fracture - мед. осложнённый перелом

compound glass - многослойное стекло

compound tariff - ком. смешанный тариф

compound number - мат. составное именованное число

compound addition [substraction] - мат. сложение [вычитание] именованных чисел

compound interval - муз. составной интервал

compound time - муз. сложный такт

compound cable - эл. многожильный кабель

compound lens - опт. сложный объектив

compound leaf - бот. сложный лист

compound eye - зоол. сложный глаз

3. [kəmʹpaʋnd] v
1. смешивать, составлять; соединять:

to compound a medicine - составлять /приготовлять/ лекарство

to compound a riddle - придумать загадку

a cake compounded of the best ingredients - кекс из самых лучших продуктов

her charm was compounded of beauty and kindness - красота и доброта делали её обаятельной

2. юр.
1) приходить к компромиссному соглашению (особ. с кредитором); выкупать; погашать повременные платежи

they finally compounded their differences and shook hands - они в конце концов уладили свои разногласия и обменялись рукопожатием

2) отказываться от возбуждения иска, жалобы (за материальное вознаграждение)
3. начислять или рассчитывать сложные проценты
4. осложнять (положение); усугублять (трудности)

to compound a crime - отягчать преступление

II [ʹkɒmpaʋnd] n
1. огороженная территория вокруг фабрики или жилья европейца (на Востоке)
2. огороженные бараки для рабочих алмазных приисков (в Южной Африке)
3. воен. временный лагерь для военнопленных

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "compound" в других словарях:

  • compound — [ kɔ̃pund ] adj. inv. et n. • 1874; mot angl. « composé » ♦ Anglic. Machine compound, ou n. f. une compound : machine à vapeur à plusieurs cylindres dans lesquels la vapeur agit alternativement. Électrotechn. Excitation compound : excitation d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Compound — Com pound, a. [OE. compouned, p. p. of compounen. See {Compound}, v. t.] Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts; produced by the union of several ingredients, parts, or things; composite; as, a compound word. [1913 Webster] Compound …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Compound — may refer to: Chemical compounds, combinations of two or more elements Compound (enclosure), a cluster of buildings having a shared purpose, usually inside a fence or wall Compound (fortification), a version of the above fortified with defensive… …   Wikipedia

  • Compound — Com pound, n. 1. That which is compounded or formed by the union or mixture of elements ingredients, or parts; a combination of simples; a compound word; the result of composition. Shak. [1913 Webster] Rare compound of oddity, frolic, and fun.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • compound — com·pound /kəm pau̇nd/ vt 1: to agree for a consideration not to prosecute (an offense) ◇ Compounding a felony is a common law crime. 2: to pay (interest) on both the accrued interest and the principal Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam …   Law dictionary

  • compound — compound1 [käm pound′, käm′pound΄; kəm pound′; ] for adj.usually & for n.always [, käm′pound΄] vt. [ME compounen < OFr compon(d)re, to arrange, direct < L componere, to put together: see COMPOSITE] 1. to mix or combine 2. to make by… …   English World dictionary

  • Compound — Com*pound (k[o^]m*pound ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Compounded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Compounding}.] [OE. componen, compounen, L. componere, compositum; com + ponere to put set. The d is excrescent. See {Position}, and cf. {Compon[ e]}.] 1. To form or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • compound — com‧pound [kəmˈpaʊnd ǁ kɑːmˈpaʊnd, ˈkɑːmpaʊnd] verb [transitive] FINANCE to pay interest on both a sum of money and the interest already earned on it: • My bank compounds interest quarterly. * * * Ⅰ. compound UK US /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ adjective FINANCE ► …   Financial and business terms

  • compound — s.n. 1. Mod de grupare a două mecanisme, maşini etc. pentru a asigura funcţionarea lor asociată. 2. Masă electroizolantă constituită dintr un amestec de materiale electroizolante organice. [pr.: páund] – cuv. engl. Trimis de LauraGellner,… …   Dicționar Român

  • Compound — Com*pound , v. i. To effect a composition; to come to terms of agreement; to agree; to settle by a compromise; usually followed by with before the person participating, and for before the thing compounded or the consideration. [1913 Webster] Here …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Compound 48/80 — is a polymer produced by the condensation of N methyl p methoxyphenethylamine with formaldehyde.[1] It promotes histamine release.[2] In biochemical research, compound 48/80 is used to promote mast cell degranulation. References ^ …   Wikipedia

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