- communist
- 1. [ʹkɒmjʋnıst] n
1. коммунист2. = Communard2. [ʹkɒmjʋnıst] aкоммунистический
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
communist — 1841, as both a noun and adj., from Fr. communiste (see COMMUNISM (Cf. communism)). First attested in writing by John Goodwin Barmby (1820 1881), British Owenite and utopian socialist who founded the London Communist Propaganda Society in 1841.… … Etymology dictionary
communist — [käm′yo͞onist, käm′yənist] n. [Fr communiste] 1. an advocate or supporter of communism 2. [C ] a) a member of a Communist Party b) loosely a Communard 3. loosely anyone advocating ideas thought of as being leftist or subversive adj … English World dictionary
Communist — Com mu*nist, n. [F. communiste.] 1. An advocate for the theory or practice of communism. [1913 Webster] 2. A supporter of the commune of Paris. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
communist — communistic, communistical, adj. communistically, adv. /kom yeuh nist/, n. 1. (cap.) a member of the Communist party or movement. 2. an advocate of communism. 3. a person who is regarded as supporting politically leftist or subversive causes. 4.… … Universalium
Communist — I communist UK [ˈkɒmjʊnɪst] / US [ˈkɑmjənɪst] or Communist UK / US noun [countable] Word forms communist : singular communist plural communists Word forms Communist : singular Communist plural Communists ** a) someone who believes in communism b) … English dictionary
communist — I communist UK [ˈkɒmjʊnɪst] / US [ˈkɑmjənɪst] or Communist UK / US noun [countable] Word forms communist : singular communist plural communists Word forms Communist : singular Communist plural Communists ** a) someone who believes in communism b) … English dictionary
communist — 01. Many of the former [communist] countries of Eastern Europe are still having serious economic difficulties. 02. The U.S. will not trade with Cuba as long as it remains a [communist] country. 03. The collapse of the Berlin Wall was an important … Grammatical examples in English
communist — com|mu|nist1 Communist [ˈkɔmjunıst US ˈka: ] n someone who is a member of a political party that supports communism, or who believes in communism →↑capitalist, socialist ↑socialist communist 2 communist2 adj Communist relating to communism… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Communist — 1. noun a) A member of a (nominally) Communist party. b) A person who believes the philosophy of Communism. <! Is this really different from communist with a lower case c ? Paul G, 2005 07 19. Yes, because Communist gets a majuscule letter,… … Wiktionary
Communist — ▪ I. Communist Com‧mu‧nist [ˈkɒmjnst ǁ ˈkɑː ] noun [countable] someone who believes in Communism or is a member of a political party that supports Communism [m0] ▪ II. Communism Com‧mun‧ism [ˈkɒmjnɪzm ǁ ˈkɑː ] noun [uncountable] … Financial and business terms
communist — noun Date: 1840 1. an adherent or advocate of communism 2. capitalized communard 3. a. capitalized a member of a Communist party or movement b. often capitalized an adhe … New Collegiate Dictionary