common measure
Смотреть что такое "common measure" в других словарях:
common measure — n. Music COMMON TIME … English World dictionary
common measure — noun 1. a time signature indicating four beats to the bar • Syn: ↑common time, ↑four four time, ↑quadruple time • Hypernyms: ↑musical time 2. an integer that divides two (or more) other integers evenly • Syn: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
common measure — 1. See common time. 2. Also called common meter, hymnal stanza. Pros. a ballad stanza of four iambic lines and strict rhymes, often used in hymns, rhyming abcb or abab. [1710 20] * * * … Universalium
common measure — noun Date: 1922 a meter consisting chiefly of iambic lines of 7 accents each arranged in rhymed pairs usually printed in 4 line stanzas called also common meter … New Collegiate Dictionary
common measure — /kɒmən ˈmɛʒə/ (say komuhn mezhuh) noun → common time …
common measure — com′mon meas′ure n. pro a ballad stanza of four iambic lines and strict rhymes, often used in hymns, rhyming abcb or abab[/ex] Also called com′mon me′ter. Etymology: 1710–20 … From formal English to slang
having a common measure — index commensurate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
measure — meas ure (m[e^]zh [ u]r; 135), n. [OE. mesure, F. mesure, L. mensura, fr. metiri, mensus, to measure; akin to metrum poetical measure, Gr. me tron, E. meter. Cf. {Immense}, {Mensuration}, {Mete} to measure.] 1. A standard of dimension; a fixed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Common — Com mon, a. [Compar. {Commoner}; superl. {Commonest}.] [OE. commun, comon, OF. comun, F. commun, fr. L. communis; com + munis ready to be of service; cf. Skr. mi to make fast, set up, build, Goth. gamains common, G. gemein, and E. mean low,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Common bar — Common Com mon, a. [Compar. {Commoner}; superl. {Commonest}.] [OE. commun, comon, OF. comun, F. commun, fr. L. communis; com + munis ready to be of service; cf. Skr. mi to make fast, set up, build, Goth. gamains common, G. gemein, and E. mean low … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Common barrator — Common Com mon, a. [Compar. {Commoner}; superl. {Commonest}.] [OE. commun, comon, OF. comun, F. commun, fr. L. communis; com + munis ready to be of service; cf. Skr. mi to make fast, set up, build, Goth. gamains common, G. gemein, and E. mean low … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English