- agrammatism
- [əʹgræmətız(ə)m] n мед.
аграмматизм (разновидность афазии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Agrammatism — is a form of expressive aphasia that refers to the inability to speak in a grammatically correct fashion. [Dorland s Medical Dictionary, Agrammatism , [http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns hl dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszSzcommonzSzdorla… … Wikipedia
agrammatism — /ay gram euh tiz euhm, euh gram /, n. Pathol. a type of aphasia, usually caused by cerebral disease, characterized by an inability to construct a grammatical or intelligible sentence while retaining the ability to speak single words. Also called… … Universalium
agrammatism — noun The inability to form sentences by virtue of a brain disorder. See Also: agrammatist, grammar, grammatical … Wiktionary
agrammatism — A form of aphasia characterized by an inability to construct a grammatical sentence, and the use of unintelligible or incorrect words; caused by a lesion in the dominant temporal lobe. SYN: agrammatica, agrammatologia, jargon aphasia. * * *… … Medical dictionary
agrammatism — n. loss of the ability to create grammatical sentences due to a brain injury … English contemporary dictionary
agrammatism — agram·ma·tism … English syllables
agrammatism — (ˈ)āˈgraməˌtizəm noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary agrammat (from Greek agrammatos illiterate, from a a (II) + grammat , gramma letter) + ism; originally formed as German agrammatismus more at … Useful english dictionary
Eleanor Saffran — Eleanor M. Saffran (1938 2002) was a researcher in the field of Cognitive Neuropsychology. Her interest in Neuropsychology began at the Baltimore City hospitals of Johns Hopkins University, where her research unit focussed on neurological… … Wikipedia
Aphasia — Literally aphasia means no speech. Aphasia can apply to a defect in expression or comprehension. * * * Impaired or absent comprehension or production of, or communication by, speech, writing, or signs, due to an acquired lesion of the dominant… … Medical dictionary
agrammatica — SYN: agrammatism. * * * ag·ram·ma·ti·ca (ag″rə matґĭ kə) agrammatism … Medical dictionary
agrammatologia — SYN: agrammatism. * * * agram·ma·to·lo·gia (a gram″ə to loґjə) agrammatism … Medical dictionary