- commissariat
- [͵kɒmıʹse(ə)rıət] n
1. русск. комиссариат2. интендантство3. воен. продовольственное снабжение4. юр. церковный (епархиальный) суд
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
commissariat — [ kɔmisarja ] n. m. • 1752; de commissaire 1 ♦ Didact. Qualité, emploi de commissaire; fonction de commissaire. HAUT COMMISSARIAT : dignité de haut commissaire. 2 ♦ Par ext. Ensemble des services dépendant d un commissaire. En France, Le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Commissariat — Com mis*sa ri*at (?; 277), n. [F. commissariat.] (Mil.) (a) The organized system by which armies and military posts are supplied with food and daily necessaries. (b) The body of officers charged with such service. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
commissariat — c.1600, in Scottish law, commissary court, from Fr. commissariat, from M.L. *commissariatus, from commissarius (see COMMISSARY (Cf. commissary)). Military use is from 1779. In reference to USSR, ministry, from 1918 … Etymology dictionary
Commissariāt — Commissariāt, die Bedienstung eines Commissärs, s.d. 2); bes. so v. w. Kriegscommissariat … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
commissariat — See commissary courts. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary
commissariat — ► NOUN chiefly Military ▪ a department for the supply of food and equipment … English terms dictionary
commissariat — [käm΄ə ser′ē ət] n. [Fr < commissaire, commissary < ML commissarius: see COMMISSARY] 1. the branch of an army which provides food and supplies for the troops 2. food supplies 3. [Russ komissariat] any of the government departments in the… … English World dictionary
Commissariat — For the Soviet terms, see People s Commissariat and Commissar A commissariat is the department of an army charged with the provision of supplies, both food and forage, for the troops. The supply of military stores such as ammunition is not… … Wikipedia
COMMISSARIAT — n. m. Qualité, emploi de commissaire. Cet employé a obtenu un commissariat. Haut commissariat, Dignité du haut commissaire. Voyez COMMISSAIRE. Il se dit encore du Lieu où siège le commissaire. Dans tous les grands ports, il y a un commissariat de … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
COMMISSARIAT — s. m. La qualité, l emploi de commissaire. Cet employé a obtenu un commissariat. Il se dit aussi de La durée des fonctions d un commissaire. Il s est absenté tout le temps de son commissariat … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
commissariat — [[t]kɒ̱mɪse͟əriət[/t]] commissariats N COUNT A commissariat is a military department that is in charge of food supplies … English dictionary