- commercialese
- [kə͵mɜ:ʃəʹli:z] n
стиль коммерческих писем
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
commercialese — is the special language of business correspondence. Much of the more arcane terminology, such as ult. (= ultimo, last month), prox. (= proximo, next month), and duly to hand (= received) has disappeared, although one or two phrases still linger… … Modern English usage
commercialese — commercialeseˈ noun Business jargon • • • Main Entry: ↑commerce … Useful english dictionary
commercialese — n. style of commercial correspondence; business jargon … English contemporary dictionary
commercialese — /kəmɜʃəˈliz/ (say kuhmershuh leez) noun the jargon used by those engaged in commercial activities …
language — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) System of communication Nouns 1. language, tongue, lingo, vernacular, mother tongue, protolanguage; living or dead language; idiom, parlance, phraseology; wording; dialect, patois, cant, jargon, lingo,… … English dictionary for students
re — meaning ‘with regard to, concerning’, is a piece of commercialese that is best suited to business language. In everyday writing it is a convenient abbreviation that is less troubling when it stands at the beginning of a statement, especially in… … Modern English usage