
[kəʹmend] v
1. хвалить; одобрять

his work was highly commended - его работу очень хвалили; его труд получил высокую оценку

2. прельщать, привлекать

this book doesn't commend itself to me - эту книгу мне не хочется читать

3. возвыш. поручать (кому-л.)

she commended her child to her sister's care - она просила сестру позаботиться о её ребёнке

4. ист. поручить (кого-л.) покровительству феодала
5. арх. засвидетельствовать (кому-л.) почтение

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "commend" в других словарях:

  • Commend — Com*mend , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Commended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Commending}.] [L. commendare; com + mandare to intrust to one s charge, enjoin, command. Cf. {Command}, {Mandate}.] 1. To commit, intrust, or give in charge for care or preservation.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • commend — commend, recommend, applaud, compliment are comparable when they mean to voice or otherwise manifest to others one s warm approval. Commend usually implies judicious or restrained praise, but it suggests as its motive a desire to call attention… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Commend — Com*mend , n. 1. Commendation; praise. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Speak in his just commend. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. pl. Compliments; greetings. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Hearty commends and much endeared love to you. Howell. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • commend — [v1] recommend, praise acclaim, accredit, advocate, applaud, approve, boost, build, build up, compliment, countenance, endorse, eulogize, extol, give a posy*, gold star*, hail, hand it to*, hats off to*, hear it for*, kudize, laud, pat on the… …   New thesaurus

  • commend — ► VERB 1) praise formally or officially. 2) present as suitable or good; recommend. 3) (commend to) archaic or formal entrust to. DERIVATIVES commendation noun commendatory adjective. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • commend — [kə mend′] vt. [ME commenden < L commendare, to entrust to, commend < com , intens. + mandare, to commit to one s charge: see MANDATE] 1. to put in the care of another; entrust 2. to mention as worthy of attention; recommend 3. to express… …   English World dictionary

  • commend — index advocate, confirm, counsel, countenance, endorse, honor, indorse, recommend Burton s Legal Thesaurus …   Law dictionary

  • commend — mid 14c., comenden, from L. commendare to commit to the care or keeping (of someone), to entrust to; to commit to writing; hence to set off, render agreeable, praise, from com , intensive prefix (see COM (Cf. com )), + mandare to commit to one s… …   Etymology dictionary

  • commend — [[t]kəme̱nd[/t]] commends, commending, commended 1) VERB If you commend someone or something, you praise them formally. [FORMAL] [V n for/on n/ ing] I commended her for that action... [V n for/on n/ ing] I commend Ms. Orth on writing such an… …   English dictionary

  • commend — v. 1) to commend highly 2) (formal) (B) I can commend him to you 3) (D; tr.) to commend for (she was commended for bravery) * * * [kə mend] (formal) (B) I can commend him to you to commend highly (D; tr.) to commend for (she was commended for… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • commend — com|mend [kəˈmend] v [T] formal [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: commendare, from com ( COM ) + mandare to give over to someone ] 1.) to praise or approve of someone or something publicly commend sb for sth ▪ Inspector Marshall was commended… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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