come across

come across
[ʹkʌməʹkrɒs] phr v
1. быть понятным, доходить до собеседника

your speech came across very well - ваша речь произвела большое впечатление

2. театр. пользоваться успехом

she came across - публика её приняла

3. (as) разг. показаться, произвести какое-л. впечатление

he came across to me as a very nice person - он показался мне очень приятным человеком

4. (with) амер. разг. отдать требуемое, расплатиться

I'll make him come across with the money - я заставлю его выложить деньги

5. сл. согласиться на половую связь (тк. о женщине); отдаться

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "come across" в других словарях:

  • come across — {v.} 1. or[run across] To find or meet by chance. * /He came across a dollar bill in the suit he was sending to the cleaner./ * /The other day I ran across a book that you might like./ * /I came across George at a party last week; it was the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come across — {v.} 1. or[run across] To find or meet by chance. * /He came across a dollar bill in the suit he was sending to the cleaner./ * /The other day I ran across a book that you might like./ * /I came across George at a party last week; it was the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come across — 1》 meet or find by chance. 2》 informal provide what is wanted. → come come across give a specified impression. → come …   English new terms dictionary

  • come across — ► come across 1) (also chiefly Brit. come over) give a specified impression. 2) meet or find by chance. 3) informal hand over what is wanted. Main Entry: ↑come …   English terms dictionary

  • come across — (someone/something) to happen to find someone or something. I was looking through a magazine and came across an interesting article on American artists …   New idioms dictionary

  • come across as — come across (as) to appear to have a particular attitude or character. Sometimes he seemed like a good old pal, but other times he came across as an angry and unpleasant man …   New idioms dictionary

  • come across — (as) to appear to have a particular attitude or character. Sometimes he seemed like a good old pal, but other times he came across as an angry and unpleasant man …   New idioms dictionary

  • Come Across — is the fifth album by Australian indie rock band Bluebottle Kiss, released in 2003. Tracklisting Scouthall Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time Something tiny Last playboy in town Slow train to a comfy jail Can I keep you? So slow …   Wikipedia

  • come across — index confront (encounter) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • come across — [v] encounter, find bump into, chance upon, discover, happen upon, hit upon, light upon, meet, notice, stumble upon, uncover, unearth; concepts 38,183 …   New thesaurus

  • come across — phrasal verb Word forms come across : present tense I/you/we/they come across he/she/it comes across present participle coming across past tense came across past participle come across 1) come across someone/something [transitive] to meet someone …   English dictionary

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