- combinatorial
- [͵kɒmbınəʹtɔ:rıəl] a мат.
combinatorial topology - комбинаторная топология
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
combinatorial topology - комбинаторная топология
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
combinatorial — combinatory combinatoryadj. 1. able to combine; tending to combine. Note: same as {combinative}, 2. [Narrower terms: {integrative (vs. disintegrative)}] Syn: combinative. [WordNet 1.5] 2. of or relating to combinations. [Narrower terms:… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
combinatorial — combinatoriál adj. m., pl. combinatoriáli; f. sg. combinatoriálă, pl. combinatoriále Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
combinatorial — [käm΄bə nə tôr′ē əl, kəm bī΄nətôr′ē əl] adj. of or involving combination, esp. mathematical combination … English World dictionary
Combinatorial chemistry — involves the rapid synthesis or the computer simulation of a large number of different but structurally related molecules or materials. It is especially common in CADD (Computer aided drug design) and can be done online with web based software,… … Wikipedia
Combinatorial design — theory is the part of combinatorial mathematics that deals with the existence and construction of systems of finite sets whose intersections have specified numerical properties. For instance, a balanced incomplete block design (usually called for … Wikipedia
Combinatorial method — may refer to: Combinatorial method (linguistics), a method used for the study of unknown languages. For the use of combinatorial methods in mathematics, see Combinatorial principles. For the use of combinatorial methods in computer science, see… … Wikipedia
Combinatorial data analysis — (CDA) is the study of data sets where the arrangement of objects is important. CDA can be used either to determine how well a given combinatorial construct reflects the observed data, or to search for a suitable combinatorial construct that does… … Wikipedia
Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening — Titre abrégé Comb. Chem. High Throughput Screen. Discipline … Wikipédia en Français
Combinatorial commutative algebra — is a relatively new, rapidly developing mathematical discipline. As the name implies, it lies at the intersection of two more established fields, commutative algebra and combinatorics, and frequently uses methods of one to address problems… … Wikipedia
Combinatorial hierarchy — is a mathematical structure of bit strings generated by an algorithm based on discrimination (exclusive or between bits). It was originally discovered by A.F. Parker Rhodes in the 1960s, and is interesting because of physical interpretations that … Wikipedia
Combinatorial enumeration — is a subfield of enumeration that deals with the counting of objects whose symmetries do not exist or, if they exist, are combinatorial in nature. See also * combinatorics * superpattern … Wikipedia