- columnist
- [ʹkɒləm(n)ıst] n
1. журналист-комментатор, постоянно ведущий какую-л. рубрику; обозреватель2. редактор отдела в газете или журнале
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
columnist — col um*nist, n. a journalist who writes or edits a regularly scheduled column[8] in a periodical, usually in editorial style; a type of editorialist. [RP] {fifth columnist} see {fifth columnist} in the vocabulary … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
columnist — COLUMNÍST COLĂM / s. m. foiletonist; autor de editoriale. (< engl. columnist) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
columnist — 1920, from COLUMN (Cf. column) in the newspaper sense + IST (Cf. ist) … Etymology dictionary
columnist — /ˈkɔlumnist, ingl. ˈkHləmnɪst/ [ingl., «articolista», da column «colonna» (di giornale)] s. m. e f. inv. articolista, opinionista … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
columnist — meaning a writer of a newspaper column, is pronounced with the n expressed … Modern English usage
columnist — ► NOUN ▪ a journalist who writes a column in a newspaper or magazine … English terms dictionary
columnist — ☆ columnist [käl′əm nist΄ ] n. a person who writes or prepares a column, as in a newspaper or magazine … English World dictionary
Columnist — See also: List of newspaper columnists Journalism News · Writing style Ethics · O … Wikipedia
columnist — n. 1) a syndicated columnist 2) a fifth columnist ( an enemy agent operating behind one s own lines ) * * * [ kɒləm(n)ɪst] a syndicated columnist a fifth columnist ( an enemy agent operating behind one s own lines ) … Combinatory dictionary
columnist — [[t]kɒ̱ləmɪst[/t]] columnists N COUNT: oft N for n A columnist is a journalist who regularly writes a particular kind of article in a newspaper or magazine. Clarence Page is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune. ...the gossip columnists favourite… … English dictionary
columnist — UK [ˈkɒləmnɪst] / US [ˈkɑləmnɪst] noun [countable] Word forms columnist : singular columnist plural columnists a journalist who writes a regular series of articles for a particular newspaper or magazine … English dictionary