
[ʹkɒlənaız] v
1. колонизировать, подчинять своему господству
2. 1) заселять
2) поселяться
3. амер. сл. предоставлять право голоса лицу, не проживающему в данном избирательном округе (для незаконного голосования)
4. проникать (куда-л.) для подрывной деятельности

to colonize industries - проникать на промышленные предприятия (о шпионах и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем сделать НИР

Смотреть что такое "colonize" в других словарях:

  • Colonize — Col o*nize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Colonized}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Colonizing}.] [Cf. F. coloniser.] To plant or establish a colony or colonies in; to people with colonists; to migrate to and settle in. Bacon. [1913 Webster] They that would thus… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Colonize — Col o*nize, v. i. To remove to, and settle in, a distant country; to make a colony. C. Buchanan. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • colonize — index inhabit, occupy (take possession) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • colonize — 1620s, to settle with colonists, from stem of L. colonus tiller of the soil, farmer (see COLONY (Cf. colony)); in sense to make another place into a national dependency without regard for settlement there by 1790s (e.g. in reference to French… …   Etymology dictionary

  • colonize — (Amer.) col·o·nize || kÉ‘lÉ™naɪz / kÉ’l v. settle, establish colonies, go to and live in a colony (also colonise) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • colonize — (also colonise) ► VERB 1) establish a colony in (a place). 2) take over (a place) for one s own use. DERIVATIVES colonization noun colonizer noun …   English terms dictionary

  • colonize — [käl′ə nīz΄] vt. colonized, colonizing 1. to found or establish a colony or colonies in 2. to settle (persons) in a colony ☆ 3. to place (voters) illegally in (a district) so as to influence an election vi. 1. to found or establish a colony or… …   English World dictionary

  • colonize — [[t]kɒ̱lənaɪz[/t]] colonizes, colonizing, colonized (in BRIT, also use colonise) 1) VERB If people colonize a foreign country, they go to live there and take control of it. [V n] The first British attempt to colonize Ireland was in the twelfth… …   English dictionary

  • colonize — verb ( nized; nizing) Date: 1622 transitive verb 1. a. to establish a colony in or on or of < colonize an island > b. to establish in a colony < the rights of colonized people > 2. to send …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • colonize — colonizable, adj. colonizability, n. colonization, n. colonizationist, n. colonizer, n. /kol euh nuyz /, v., colonized, colonizing. v.t. 1. to establish a colony in; settle: England colonized Australia. 2. to form a colony of: to colonize… …   Universalium

  • colonize — UK [ˈkɒlənaɪz] / US [ˈkɑləˌnaɪz] verb [transitive] Word forms colonize : present tense I/you/we/they colonize he/she/it colonizes present participle colonizing past tense colonized past participle colonized to take control of another country by… …   English dictionary

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