- collieshangie
- [͵kɒlıʹʃæŋı] n шотл.
шумная ссора, драка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
collieshangie — noun Etymology: perhaps from collie + shang kind of meal Date: 1737 Scottish squabble, brawl … New Collegiate Dictionary
collieshangie — /kol ee shang ee/, n. Scot. a noisy row; brawl. [1735 45; of obscure orig.] * * * … Universalium
collieshangie — col·lie·shang·ie … English syllables
collieshangie — An uproar or a quarrel … Grandiloquent dictionary
collieshangie — ˈkälēˌshaŋē noun ( s) Etymology: perhaps from collie (cur) + shang kind of meal (perhaps from Scottish Gaelic seang thin, hungry looking) + ie; akin to Old Irish seng thin, Old English swancor pliable, Middle High German swanger swaying, Old… … Useful english dictionary
fight — n 1. battle, combat, duel, bout; contention, clash, conflict, struggle, Scot. sprattle, strife; war, warfare, fighting, hostilities; assault, attack, offensive, harassment, assailment; siege, besiegement, beset ment, investment; collision,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
melee — n 1. fracas, free for all, donnybrook, brawl, Sl. rumble, Scot. collieshangie; fight, scuffle, tussle, fray, wrangle, row. Inf. set to; fisticuffs, bout, spar, boxing match, scrimmage, skirmish, battle, heated battle, battle royal, hand to hand… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
quarrel — n 1. dispute, discord, wrangle, wrangling, bickering, Sl. beef, controversy; contradiction, dissension, variance, difference of opinion; debate, discussion, polemic, logomachy, war of words; contestation, litigation, disputation, argumentation,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
row — I n line, file, queue, column, rank, tier; series, range, chain, string, succession, sequence, concatenation, catena; suite, train, retinue, cortege, cavalcade, procession, parade, Fr. defile. II v oar, pull, paddle, canoe, kayak. III n 1.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
strife — n 1. conflict, discord, disaccord, dissension, friction, variance, opposition; bad or hard feelings, hostility, antagonism, antipathy, bad blood, ill will, hatred. 2. disagreement, difference of opinion, imbroglio, contention, controversy,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
tiff — n 1. quarrel, dispute, row, spar, wrangle, jangle, bicker, Obs. brabble; contention, controversy, disagreement, difference of opinion, argument, Inf. words, Inf. miff, Scot, and North Eng. threap; squabble, spat, Inf. dustup, U.S. Sl. rhubarb,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder