Смотреть что такое "collectable" в других словарях:
collectable — index due (owed), payable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
collectable — collectable, collectible Fowler (1926) said that the first is better, and this is still true. See able, ible … Modern English usage
collectable — (also collectible) ► ADJECTIVE 1) worth collecting; of interest to a collector. 2) able to be collected. ► NOUN ▪ an item valued and sought by collectors. DERIVATIVES collectability noun … English terms dictionary
Collectable — This article is about collected objects. For the Ashanti album, see Collectables by Ashanti. For the record label, see Collectables Records. Collector s item redirects here. For other uses, see Collector s Item (disambiguation). Collecting… … Wikipedia
collectable — [[t]kəle̱ktəb(ə)l[/t]] collectables also collectible ADJ GRADED A collectable object is one which is valued very highly by collectors because it is rare or beautiful. Visitors will be impressed with the enormous range of collectable objets d art… … English dictionary
collectable — I UK [kəˈlektəb(ə)l] / US adjective 1) valuable because of being something that people want to own Some of his pictures are quite collectable now. 2) able to be collected or obtained II UK [kəˈlektəb(ə)l] / US noun [countable] Word forms… … English dictionary
collectable — col|lect|a|ble [kəˈlektəbəl] adj also col|lect|i|ble [ ıbəl] something that is collectable is likely to be bought and kept as part of a group of similar things, especially because it might increase in value >collectable also collectible n ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
collectable — also col.lect.i.ble adjective something that is collectable is likely to be bought and kept as part of a group of similar things, especially because it might increase in value: Art Deco glassware is very collectable right now … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
collectable — /kəˈlɛktəbəl/ (say kuh lektuhbuhl) noun 1. an object of great antiquarian value, as a rare coin, often collected as an investment. 2. an object of no intrinsic value, as a matchbox or beer can, collected as a hobby or as a memento. –adjective 3.… …
collectable — I. adjective see collectible I II. noun see collectible II … New Collegiate Dictionary
collectable — col·lect·a·ble (kə lĕkʹtə bəl) adj. & n. Variant of collectible. * * * … Universalium