
1. [ʹkɒgneıt] n
1. юр.
1) кровный родственник
2) родственник со стороны матери
2. 1) родственное слово
2) родственный язык
2. [ʹkɒgneıt] a
1. родственный по крови, одноплемённый
2. 1) родственный, имеющий общее происхождение (о языке и т. п.)

geometry and the cognate sciences - геометрия и родственные ей науки

English, Dutch and German are cognate languages - английский, голландский и немецкий - родственные языки

2) происшедший от одного корня (о словах)

cognate object - грам. дополнение-существительное, образованное от одного корня с глаголом

3. сходный, близкий, похожий

cognate tastes - общие вкусы

cognate ideas - аналогичные /сходные/ мысли

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cognate" в других словарях:

  • cognate — [käg′nāt΄] adj. [L cognatus, related by birth < co , together + gnatus, pp. of gnasci, older form of nasci, to be born: see GENUS] 1. related by family; having the same ancestor 2. having the same nature or quality 3. Linguis. related through… …   English World dictionary

  • Cognate — Cog nate, a. [L. cognatus; co + gnatus, natus, p. p. of nasci, anciently gnasci, to be born. See {Nation}, and cf. {Connate}.] 1. Allied by blood; kindred by birth; specifically (Law), related on the mother s side. [1913 Webster] 2. Of the same… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cognate — Cog nate, n. 1. (Law) One who is related to another on the female side. Wharton. [1913 Webster] 2. One of a number of things allied in origin or nature; as, certain letters are cognates. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cognate — I adjective affiliated, affined, agnate, akin, alike, allied, analogical, analogous, appertaining, appurtenant, associated, bearing upon, belonging, close, closely allied, closely related, coordinate, commensurate, common, comparable, comparative …   Law dictionary

  • cognate — cognate, cognatic Having a common ancestor who can be traced back bilaterally through either the male or female line; that is, descent is not unilineal. See also descent groups …   Dictionary of sociology

  • cognate — (adj.) 1640s, from L. cognatus of common descent, from com together (see CO (Cf. co )) + gnatus, pp. of gnasci, older form of nasci to be born (see GENUS (Cf. genus)). Words that are cognates are cousins, not siblings. As a noun, from 1754 …   Etymology dictionary

  • cognate — *related, allied, kindred, affiliated Analogous words: akin, alike, identical, similar (see LIKE): common, generic, general, *universal Contrasted words: diverse, *different, divergent, disparate, various …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • cognate — [adj] alike, associated affiliated, agnate, akin, allied, analogous, comparable, connate, connatural, connected, consanguine, general, generic, incident, kindred, like, related, same, similar, universal; concepts 487,573 Ant. disassociated,… …   New thesaurus

  • Cognate — For other uses, see Cognate (disambiguation). In linguistics, cognates are words that have a common etymological origin. This learned term derives from the Latin cognatus (blood relative).[1] Cognates within the same language are called doublets …   Wikipedia

  • cognate — cognateness, n. cognatic /kog nat ik/, adj. /kog nayt/, adj. 1. related by birth; of the same parentage, descent, etc. 2. Ling. descended from the same language or form: such cognate languages as French and Spanish. 3. allied or similar in nature …   Universalium

  • cognate — adj. cognate to, with (Dutch is cognate to English and German) * * * [ kɒgneɪt] with (Dutch is cognate to English and German) cognate to …   Combinatory dictionary

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