
1. [ʹkɒfı] n
1. 1) кофе

black [white] coffee - чёрный кофе [кофе с молоком]

2) чашка кофе

we'll have two coffees, please - две порции кофе, пожалуйста

3) приглашение на чашку кофе
2. = coffee tree
3. кофейный цвет

coffee cooler - человек, уклоняющийся от работы, ищущий лёгкого заработка

coffee and cake(s) - амер. небольшое жалованье; небольшая сумма денег

coffee-and-cake job - низкооплачиваемая работа

2. [ʹkɒfı] a
1. 1) кофейный

coffee ice cream - кофейное мороженое

coffee cup [spoon] - кофейная чашка [ложечка]

2) с подачей кофе

coffee party - приём гостей с подачей кофе

2. кофейного цвета, кофейный

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "coffee" в других словарях:

  • CoFFEE — Collaborative Face to Face Educational Environment Developer(s) LEAD consortium Stable release 5.0 / June 2010 Operating system Cross platform …   Wikipedia

  • Coffee — (engl. Kaffee) ist der Name mehrerer Personen: Claire Coffee (* 1980), US amerikanische Schauspielerin Glen Coffee (* 1987), US amerikanischer Footballspieler Harry B. Coffee (1890–1972), US amerikanischer Politiker John C. Coffee (* 1944), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Coffee & TV — Single by Blur from the album 13 Released 28 June 1999 Format …   Wikipedia

  • Coffee & TV — «Coffee TV» Сингл Blur из альбома …   Википедия

  • Coffee — Cof fee (k[add] f[ e]; k[o^]f f[ e]; 115), n. [Turk. qahveh, Ar. qahuah wine, coffee, a decoction of berries. Cf. {Caf[ e]}.] 1. The beans or berries (pyrenes) obtained from the drupes of a small evergreen tree of the genus {Coffea}, growing in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • coffee — c.1600, from It. caffe, from Turk. kahveh, from Arabic qahwah coffee, said originally to have meant wine, but perhaps rather from Kaffa region of Ethiopia, a home of the plant (coffee in Kaffa is called buno, which was borrowed into Arabic as… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Coffee & TV — «Coffee TV» Sencillo de Blur del álbum 13 Formato 2 x CD, 12 , Casete Género(s) Indie Duración 5:18 (edición del single) 5:58 (versió …   Wikipedia Español

  • Coffee & TV — Single par Blur extrait de l’album 13 Sortie 28 juin 1999 Enregistrement 1998 Durée 5:18 (version single) 5:58 (version album) Genre B …   Wikipédia en Français

  • coffee — [kôf′ē, käf′ē] n. [It caffè < Turk qahwe < Ar qahwa, coffee, said to be after Kaffa, area in Ethiopia, home of the plant] 1. a dark brown, aromatic drink made by brewing in water the roasted and ground beanlike seeds of a tall tropical… …   English World dictionary

  • coffee —   , coffee, tea    Samuel Pepys recorded his first cup of tea on 25 September 1660, and also reported that the apothecary told his wife it would be good for her, for her cold and defluxions (28 June 1667). The first known reference to reading… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Coffee [1] — Coffee (Waarenk.), so v. w. Kaffee …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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