

1> _ам. _разг. учащаяся, студентка (учебного заведения для
лиц обоего пола)
2> совместное обучение лиц обоего пола
3> _кин. малогабаритный осветительный прибор, смонтированный
на съемочной кинокамере

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "coed" в других словарях:

  • coed — ☆ coed1 or co ed [kō′ed΄ ] Informal n. a young woman attending a coeducational college or university adj. 1. coeducational 2. of or having to do with a coed coed2 abbrev. coeducational …   English World dictionary

  • coed — co|ed1 [ˌkəuˈed US ˈkoued] adj [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: coeducational] 1.) using a system in which students of both sexes are educated together ▪ The university became coed in 1967. 2.) AmE a coed place, team etc is used by or includes people of …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • coed — /koh ed , ed /, n. 1. a female student in a coeducational institution, esp. in a college or university. adj. 2. coeducational (def. 1). 3. of, pertaining to, or being a coed or coeds: coed fads. 4. for or serving both men and women alike. Also,… …   Universalium

  • coed — co|ed1 [ kou,ed ] adjective AMERICAN including students of both sexes: a coed dormitory coed co|ed 2 [ kou,ed ] noun count AMERICAN INFORMAL OLD FASHIONED a woman student at a college or university that has both men and women …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • coed — cal·i·coed; por·ti·coed; …   English syllables

  • coed — n. & adj. colloq. n. 1 a coeducational system or institution. 2 esp. US a female student at a coeducational institution. adj. coeducational. Etymology: abbr. * * * coed [coed coeds] [ˌkəʊˈed] [ˌkoʊˈed] noun ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • coed — I. noun Etymology: short for coeducational student Date: circa 1878 a female student in a coeducational institution II. adjective Date: 1889 1. of or relating to a coed 2. of or relating to coeducation 3. open to or used by both men and women …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • coed — 1. adjective Alternative spelling of co ed It was always one of the more awkward moments back in college when you would go into one of the (coed) restrooms and there’d be a couple people clearly goin’ at it in the shower. 2. noun Alternative… …   Wiktionary

  • coed — adj. Coed is used with these nouns: ↑school …   Collocations dictionary

  • coed — 1 adjective using a system in which students of both sexes are educated together: The university became coed in 1967. 2 noun (C) AmE old fashioned a woman student at a university …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • coed — UK [ˈkəʊed] / US [ˈkoʊˌed] adjective including students of both sexes a coed dormitory …   English dictionary

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