- coconscious
- [kəʋʹkɒnʃəs] a
1. духовно родственный
coconscious people - родственные души
2. психол. относящийся к сопутствующему сознанию
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
coconscious people - родственные души
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
coconscious — I. (ˈ)kō+ adjective Etymology: co + conscious 1. : experiencing or aware of the same things 2. : of or belonging to the coconscious II. noun or coconsciousness ( … Useful english dictionary
coconscious — co·con·scious ( )kō kän chəs n mental processes outside the main stream of consciousness but sometimes available to it coconscious adj * * * co·con·scious (ko konґshəs) 1. not in the field of the conscious yet capable under favorable… … Medical dictionary
coconscious — adj. pertaining to a part of the subconscious (Psychology) … English contemporary dictionary
coconscious — co·conscious … English syllables
coconsciousness — noun see coconscious II * * * cōconˈsciousness noun • • • Main Entry: ↑coconscious … Useful english dictionary
Prince, Morton — ▪ American psychologist in full Morton Henry Prince born December 21, 1854, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. died August 31, 1929, Boston American psychologist and physician who advocated the study of abnormal psychology (psychopathology) and… … Universalium
coconsciousness — 1. A splitting of consciousness into two streams. 2. Awareness by one personality of the thoughts of another personality in dissociative disorder. * * * co·con·scious·ness n COCONSCIOUS * * * co·con·scious·ness (ko konґshəs nis) 1. a… … Medical dictionary
anima — Synonyms and related words: anima humana, animating force, animus, atman, ba, bathmism, beating heart, biological clock, biorhythm, blood, breath, breath of life, buddhi, coconscious, collective unconscious, conscience, conscious self, death… … Moby Thesaurus
conscience — Synonyms and related words: anima, censor, coconscious, collective unconscious, compunction, conscientiousness, conscious self, death instinct, demur, ego, ego ideal, ego id conflict, ethical self, ethics, fairness, foreconscious, grace, honor,… … Moby Thesaurus
ego — Synonyms and related words: I, I myself, alter, alter ego, alterum, anima, anima humana, atman, ba, better self, breath, breath of life, buddhi, coconscious, collective unconscious, conscience, conscious self, death instinct, divine breath, ego… … Moby Thesaurus
id — Synonyms and related words: anima, archetypal pattern, archetype, blind impulse, coconscious, collective unconscious, conscience, conscious self, death instinct, ego, ego ideal, ego id conflict, ethical self, foreconscious, impulse, inborn… … Moby Thesaurus