- coccidium
- [kɒkʹsıdıəm] n бот.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
coccidium — n.; pl. {coccidia}. (Microbiol.) any sporozoan of the order {Coccidia}, parasitic on the digestive epithelium of vertebrates and higher invertebrates. It is the causative agent of coccidiosis, which can be a problem in poultry rearing. [WordNet 1 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Coccidĭŭm — Leuck., Gattung der Sporozoen (s.d.), im Jugendzustand hüllenlose, ovale oder kugelige Zellen, die in Epithelzellen verschiedener Organe bei Wirbeltieren, Mollusken und Gliedertieren schmarotzen und für ihre Träger oft recht gefährlich sind, da… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Coccidium — Coccidĭum, eine den Gregarinen nahestehende Ordnung der Urtiere, lebt parasitisch in Geweben anderer Tiere, so C. oriforma Leuck. in den Epithelzellen der Gallengänge und C. perforans Leuck. in denen des Darms des Kaninchens, auch des Menschen. – … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Coccidium — vgl. Kokzidie … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
coccidium — /kok sid ee euhm/, n., pl. coccidia / sid ee euh/. Microbiol. any sporozoan of the order Coccidia, often parasitic in the digestive tracts of certain animals and a cause of coccidiosis. [ < NL Coccidium, orig. a genus name; see COCCUS, IDIUM] * * … Universalium
coccidium — noun (plural coccidia) Etymology: New Latin, diminutive of coccus Date: circa 1879 any of an order (Coccidia) of protozoans usually parasitic in the digestive epithelium of vertebrates … New Collegiate Dictionary
coccidium — Common name given to protozoan parasites (order Eucoccidiida) in which schizogony occurs within epithelial cells, generally in the intestine, but in some species in the bile ducts and kidney; the final product of sexual fusion and … Medical dictionary
coccidium — coc·cid·i·um … English syllables
coccidium — noun parasitic on the digestive epithelium of vertebrates and higher invertebrates • Syn: ↑eimeria • Hypernyms: ↑sporozoan • Member Holonyms: ↑Coccidia, ↑order Coccidia … Useful english dictionary
coccidia — coccidium coccidium n.; pl. {coccidia}. (Microbiol.) any sporozoan of the order {Coccidia}, parasitic on the digestive epithelium of vertebrates and higher invertebrates. It is the causative agent of coccidiosis, which can be a problem in poultry … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
coccidiosis — /kok sid ee oh sis/, n. Vet. Pathol. any of a series of specific infectious diseases caused by epithelial protozoan parasites, which may affect the intestines of birds, domestic animals, or dogs. [1890 95; < NL Coccidi(a) (see COCCIDIUM) + OSIS]… … Universalium