
1. [ʹkɒbweb] n
1. 1) паутина
2) нить паутины
2. лёгкая прозрачная ткань (особ. кружево)

cobweb veil - вуаль-паутинка

cobweb bridge - хрупкий /кружевной/ мостик

3. 1) pl хитросплетения, тонкости

rope of cobwebs - нить хитросплетений

2) тенёта, западня

caught in the cobweb of lies - запутавшийся в тенётах лжи

4. pl путаница, неразбериха, беспорядок

to rid the text of its cobwebs - устранить неясности из текста, уточнить текст

she has cobwebs in her head - ≅ у неё каша в голове

cobweb morning - туманное утро

to blow (away) the cobwebs from one's mind - выйти проветриться /прогуляться/

he has a cobweb in his throat - у него пересохло в горле

2. [ʹkɒbweb] v редк.
1. плести паутину; оплетать паутиной
2. путать; вносить путаницу, беспорядок

drunkenness cobweb bed his mind - пьянство помутило его разум

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Смотреть что такое "cobweb" в других словарях:

  • Cobweb — or cobwebs may refer to: Contents 1 Animals 2 Plants 3 Entertainment …   Wikipedia

  • Cobweb — Cob web , n. [Cob a spider + web.] 1. The network spread by a spider to catch its prey. [1913 Webster] 2. A snare of insidious meshes designed to catch the ignorant and unwary. [1913 Webster] I can not but lament thy splendid wit Entangled in the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cobweb — early 14c., coppewebbe; the first element is O.E. coppe, in atorcoppe spider, lit. poison head (see ATTERCOP (Cf. attercop)). Spelling with b is from 16c., perhaps from COB (Cf. cob). Cob as a stand alone for a spider was an old word nearly dead… …   Etymology dictionary

  • cobweb — [n] entanglement; filament fiber, gossamer, labyrinth, mesh, net, network, snare, tissue, toil, web, webbing; concepts 517,674 …   New thesaurus

  • cobweb — ► NOUN ▪ a spider s web, especially an old or dusty one. DERIVATIVES cobwebbed adjective cobwebby adjective. ORIGIN originally coppeweb: from obsolete coppe «spider», from Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • cobweb — [käb′web΄] n. [ME copweb < coppe, spider (< OE coppe, in atorcoppe < ator, poison + coppe, spider; prob. akin to cop, COP1) + WEB] 1. a web spun by a spider, esp. one spun indoors that has gathered dust 2. a single thread of such a web 3 …   English World dictionary

  • Cobweb — Das Spinnwebtheorem Das Spinnwebtheorem (eigentlich Spinnenwebe Theorem, engl.: cobweb theorem) stellt einen Erklärungsansatz für den um den Gleichgewichtspreis oszillierenden Marktpreis auf den Gütermärkten dar. Der Marktpreis oszilliert hierbei …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cobweb — n. spider s network to spin a cobweb (spiders spin cobwebs) * * * [ kɒbweb] [ spider s network ] to spin a cobweb (spiders spin cobwebs) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • cobweb — UK [ˈkɒbˌweb] / US [ˈkɑbˌweb] noun [countable] Word forms cobweb : singular cobweb plural cobwebs a net that a spider makes out of thin sticky strings • blow/clear away the cobwebs to make you feel more lively and think more clearly I went for a… …   English dictionary

  • cobweb — Spider web Spi der web , or Spider s web Spi der s web . (Zo[ o]l.) The silken web which is formed by most kinds of spiders, particularly the web spun to entrap their prey; also called {cobweb}. See {Geometric spider}, {Triangle spider}, under… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cobweb — noun Etymology: Middle English coppeweb, from coppe spider (from Old English ātorcoppe) + web; akin to Middle Dutch coppe spider Date: 14th century 1. a. the network spread by a spider ; spiderweb b. tangles of the silk …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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