- cobra de capello
- [͵kɒbrə|dıkəʹpeləʋ,͵kəʋbrə{dıkəʹpeləʋ}-] зоол.
собственно кобра, очковая змея (Naja naja)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cobra de capello — [dē kə pel′ō] n. pl. cobras de capello [see COBRA] a varicolored cobra (Naja naja), esp. of India, with an eyelike marking on the hood … English World dictionary
Cobra de capello — Co bra de ca*pel lo [Pg., serpent of the hood.] (Zo[ o]l.) The hooded snake ({Naia tripudians}), a highly venomous serpent inhabiting India. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cobra de Capello — Cobra de Capello, s. Brillenschlange … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
cobra de capello — /koh breuh dee keuh pel oh/, pl. cobras de capello. See Indian cobra. [1660 70; < Pg: hooded snake (cobra < L colubra snake; capello < LL cappellus hood, equiv. to capp(a) CAP1 + ellus ELLE)] * * * … Universalium
cobra de capello — dēkəˈpe(ˌ)lō noun (plural cobras de capello) Etymology: Portuguese : indian cobra … Useful english dictionary
cobra-de-capello — n. [Port.] Cobra, hooded snake, spectacle snake (Naja tripudians) … New dictionary of synonyms
COBRA — Le groupe Cobra, dont le nom est formé par la contraction des premières lettres de COpenhague , BRuxelles et Amsterdam , villes des trois pays de ses fondateurs, fut actif de 1948 à 1951. De nombreux artistes s’y rattachèrent au gré des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
cobra — 1802, short for cobra capello (1670s), from Port. cobra de capello serpent (of the hood), from L. colubra a snake, female serpent (Cf. Fr. couleuvre adder ), of uncertain origin. So called for the expandable loose skin about its neck. The word… … Etymology dictionary
Cobra — Co bra, n. The cobra de capello. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cobra — ► NOUN ▪ a highly venomous snake that spreads the skin of its neck into a hood when disturbed, native to Africa and Asia. ORIGIN from Portuguese cobra de capello snake with hood … English terms dictionary
cobra — [kō′brə] n. [< Port cobra (de capello), serpent (of the hood) < L colubra, a snake: see COLON1] 1. any of several genera (esp. Naja) of very poisonous elapine snakes of Asia and Africa, having around the neck loose skin which is expanded… … English World dictionary