- coatimondi
1> _зоол. коати, носуха обыкновенная (Nasua rufa)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
coatimondi — co·a·ti·mon·di … English syllables
coatimondi — noun see coatimundi … Useful english dictionary
coatimundi — co·a·ti·mun·di also co·a·ti·mon·di (kō ä tē mŭnʹdē) n. pl. coatimundi or co·a·ti·mun·dis also coatimondi or co·a·ti·mon·dis A coati. [Possibly Tupi coati; see coati + Tupi mundé, animal trap.] * * * … Universalium
coati — /koh ah tee/, n., pl. coatis. any tropical American carnivore of the genus Nasua, related to the raccoon, having an elongated body, long, ringed tail, and a slender, flexible snout. Also, coati mondi, coati mundi /koh ah tee mun dee/. [1670 80; … Universalium