- coastwise
- 1. [ʹkəʋstwaız] a
каботажный2. [ʹkəʋstwaız] adv
coastwise traffic - каботажное плавание
вдоль берегаto sail coastwise - плыть вдоль берега
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
coastwise traffic - каботажное плавание
to sail coastwise - плыть вдоль берега
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Coastwise — Coast wise ( w[imac]z ), Coastways Coast ways , adv. By way of, or along, the coast; following a coastline; as, coastwise winds contributed to the storm. [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
coastwise — [kōst′wīz΄] adv., adj. along and near the coast: also coastways [kōst′wāz΄] adv … English World dictionary
coastwise — /kohst wuyz /, adv. 1. along the coast: We sailed coastwise for days before finding a harbor. adj. 2. following the coast. [1685 95; COAST + WISE] * * * … Universalium
coastwise — /ˈkoʊstwaɪz/ (say kohstwuyz) adverb Also, coastways /ˈkoʊstweɪz/ (say kohstwayz). 1. along the coast. –adjective 2. following the coast: coastwise drift …
coastwise — Vessels plying coastwise are those engaged in domestic trade, or plying between port and port in the United States … Black's law dictionary
coastwise — Vessels plying coastwise are those engaged in domestic trade, or plying between port and port in the United States … Black's law dictionary
Coastwise slave trade — Part of a series on Slavery Contemporary slavery … Wikipedia
Coastwise shipping laws — The maritime Coastwise Shipping Laws or Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (commonly referred to as the Jones Act as it was sponsored by U.S. Senator Wesley L. Jones) is a United States Federal statute that regulates maritime commerce in U.S. waters and … Wikipedia
coastwise — adverb or adjective see coast I … New Collegiate Dictionary
coastwise — 1. adjective Toward the coast Syn: coastward 2. adverb Towards the coast Syn: coastwards … Wiktionary
coastwise — adv. via the coast … English contemporary dictionary