- cnidae
- [ʹnaıdi:] pl от cnida
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cnidae — (C. Schweigg.), die Akalephen od. Medusen (s.d.), Quallen, 2. Familie der Meernesseln bei Cuvier … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Cnidae — Cnida Cni da (n[imac] d[.a]), n.; pl. {Cnid[ae]} (n[imac] d[=e]). [NL., fr. Gr. kni dh nettle, sea nettle.] (Zo[ o]l.) One of the peculiar stinging cells found in C[oe]lenterata; a nematocyst; a lasso cell. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cnida cnidae — pl; see nematocyst … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
cnidarian — /nuy dair ee euhn/, n. 1. any invertebrate animal, as a hydra, jellyfish, sea anemone, or coral, considered as belonging to the phylum Cnidaria, characterized by the specialized stinging structures in the tentacles surrounding the mouth; a… … Universalium
Pelagia noctiluca — Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
nematocyst — nematocystic, adj. /nem euh teuh sist , ni mat euh /, n. Zool. an organ in coelenterates consisting of a minute capsule containing an ejectable thread that causes a sting. [1870 75; NEMATO + CYST] * * * ▪ biology minute, elongated, or… … Universalium
Cnidaria — Cni*da ri*a (n[i^]*d[=a] r[i^]*[.a]), n. pl. [NL. See {Cnida}.] (Zo[ o]l.) A comprehensive group equivalent to the true C[oe]lenterata, i. e., exclusive of the sponges. They are so named from presence of stinging cells (cnidae) in the tissues.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ТИП КИШЕЧНОПОЛОСТНЫЕ (COELENTERATA) — ОБЩАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА Кишечнополостные самые низко организованные из числа настоящих многоклеточных животных. Тело кишечнополостных состоит из двух слоев клеток эктодермы и энтодермы, между которыми имеется более или менее… … Биологическая энциклопедия
Hydra (genus) — Taxobox name = Hydra image width = 230px image caption = Hydra species regnum = Animalia subregnum = Eumetazoa subphylum = Medusozoa classis = Hydrozoa subclassis = Leptolinae ordo = Anthomedusae subordo = Capitata familia = Hydridae genus =… … Wikipedia
Northern red anemone — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum … Wikipedia
Sea anemone — Sea anemones Various examples of sea anemones Scientific classification … Wikipedia