Clubby — was a Beanie Baby that was available in 1998 exclusively by mail order to those who joined the Beanie Babies Official Club by purchasing a kit. It was followed up in later years by other bears also named Clubby followed by a roman numeral. In all … Wikipedia
clubby — [klub′ē] adj. clubbier, clubbiest Informal 1. friendly or sociable, esp. in an effusive way 2. restricted, clannish, or exclusive, as some clubs are … English World dictionary
clubby — clubbily, adv. clubbiness, n. /klub ee/, adj., clubbier, clubbiest. 1. characteristic of a club: The room had a warm, clubby atmosphere. 2. very friendly; intimate; chummy: He became clubby with the bartender, who slipped him many free drinks. 3 … Universalium
clubby — [[t]klʌ̱bi[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe an institution or a group of people as clubby, you mean that all the people in it are friendly with each other and do not welcome other people in. [INFORMAL] Politics is clubby, careerist, and cynical … English dictionary
clubby — club|by [ˈklʌbi] adj informal a clubby place is where everyone is very friendly to each other, but people who are outside their group are not very welcome ▪ the clubby atmosphere of the media … Dictionary of contemporary English
clubby — adjective (clubbier; est) Date: 1859 characteristic of a club or club members: as a. displaying friendliness especially to other members of the same social group ; sociable b. open only to qualified or approved persons ; select, elite • … New Collegiate Dictionary
clubby — adjective a) Resembling or suggestive of a social club or clubhouse: congenial and exclusive. b) Who enjoys frequenting nightclubs … Wiktionary
clubby — Synonyms and related words: affable, amiable, civil, clubbable, clubbish, communicative, companionable, companionate, compatible, congenial, courteous, fit for society, fond of society, friendly, genial, gregarious, hospitable, sociable, social,… … Moby Thesaurus
clubby — adjective informal friendly and sociable with fellow members of a group but not with outsiders … English new terms dictionary
clubby — club·by … English syllables
clubby — club•by [[t]ˈklʌb i[/t]] adj. bi•er, bi•est 1) very friendly; sociable 2) socially exclusive; cliquish • Etymology: 1855–60 club′bi•ness, n … From formal English to slang