clove carnation
Смотреть что такое "clove carnation" в других словарях:
clove carnation — noun Etymology: clove (IV) : clove pink 1 … Useful english dictionary
carnation — ► NOUN ▪ a double flowered cultivated variety of clove pink, with grey green leaves and showy pink, white, or red flowers. ORIGIN perhaps based on a misreading of an Arabic word meaning clove or clove pink , influenced by French carnation «flesh… … English terms dictionary
Clove — Clove, n. [OE. clow, fr. F. clou nail, clou de girofle a clove, lit. nail of clove, fr. L. clavus nail, perh. akin to clavis key, E. clavicle. The clove was so called from its resemblance to a nail. So in D. kruidnagel clove, lit. herb nail or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clove camphor — Clove Clove, n. [OE. clow, fr. F. clou nail, clou de girofle a clove, lit. nail of clove, fr. L. clavus nail, perh. akin to clavis key, E. clavicle. The clove was so called from its resemblance to a nail. So in D. kruidnagel clove, lit. herb nail … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clove gillyflower — Clove Clove, n. [OE. clow, fr. F. clou nail, clou de girofle a clove, lit. nail of clove, fr. L. clavus nail, perh. akin to clavis key, E. clavicle. The clove was so called from its resemblance to a nail. So in D. kruidnagel clove, lit. herb nail … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clove pink — Clove Clove, n. [OE. clow, fr. F. clou nail, clou de girofle a clove, lit. nail of clove, fr. L. clavus nail, perh. akin to clavis key, E. clavicle. The clove was so called from its resemblance to a nail. So in D. kruidnagel clove, lit. herb nail … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clove — Ⅰ. clove [1] ► NOUN 1) the dried flower bud of a tropical tree, used as a pungent aromatic spice. 2) (oil of cloves) an aromatic oil extracted from these buds and used for the relief of dental pain. 3) (also clove pink or clove gillyflower) a… … English terms dictionary
clove-gil|ly|flow|er — «KLOHV JIHL ee FLOW uhr», noun. the clove pink or carnation. ╂[< Old French clou de gilofre] … Useful english dictionary
carnation — cultivated variety of the clove pink, 1530s, either a corruption of CORONATION (Cf. coronation), from the flower s being used in chaplets or from the toothed crown like look of the petals; or for its pinkness from M.Fr. carnation person s color… … Etymology dictionary
clove pink — clove′ pink n. carnation 1) • Etymology: 1865–70 … From formal English to slang
clove pink — n. CARNATION (sense 1) … English World dictionary