
1. [ʹkləʋʒə] n
1. закрытие; завершение

a one-week closure of schools - прекращение занятий в школах на неделю

2. прекращение прений

to move the closure - потребовать закрытия прений; предложить прекратить прения

3. 1) застёжка

pocket with zipper closure - карман на молнии

2) металлическая или пластмассовая крышка на бутылку
4. фон. смыкание, затвор
5. эл. замыкание (линии)
6. мат. замыкание
2. [ʹkləʋʒə] v
закрыть прения (в парламенте и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "closure" в других словарях:

  • Closure — may refer to: Closure (container) used to seal a bottle, jug, jar, can, or other container Closure (wine bottle), a stopper Closure (business), the process by which an organization ceases operations Closure (philosophy), a principle in… …   Wikipedia

  • closure — closure, social closure Identified in the writings of Max Weber , and more recently resurrected by the British sociologist Frank Parkin, the concept emerged as an alternative to Marxist theories of inequality and of how the latter is generated,… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • closure — clo‧sure [ˈkləʊʒə ǁ ˈkloʊʒər] noun [countable] the act of closing a factory, store, organization etc permanently: • The factory faces closure if no more money can be found. • The company s 50 high street stores are currently threatened with… …   Financial and business terms

  • Closure — Видеоаль …   Википедия

  • Closure — Clo sure (kl[=o] zh[ u]r; 135), n. [Of. closure, L. clausura, fr. clauedere to shut. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. The act of shutting; a closing; as, the closure of a chink. [1913 Webster] 2. That which closes or shuts; that by which separate parts are …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Closure EP — Closure Compilation album by Everclear Released November 2, 2004 …   Wikipedia

  • closure — late 14c., a barrier, a fence, from O.Fr. closure enclosure; that which encloses, fastening, hedge, wall, fence, also closture barrier, division; enclosure, hedge, fence, wall (12c., Mod.Fr. clôture), from L. clausura lock, fortress, a closing… …   Etymology dictionary

  • closure — [n1] conclusion cease, cessation, close, closing, desistance, end, ending, finish, stop, stoppage, termination; concept 119 Ant. beginning, introduction, opening, start closure [n2] plug, seal blockade, bolt, bung, cap, cork, fastener, latch, lid …   New thesaurus

  • closure — index cessation (termination), close (conclusion), cloture, conclusion (outcome), denouement, end …   Law dictionary

  • closure — ► NOUN 1) an act or process of closing. 2) a device that closes or seals. 3) (in a legislative assembly) a procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote. ORIGIN Latin clausura, from claudere to close …   English terms dictionary

  • closure — [klō′zhər] n. [OFr < L clausura, a closing < pp. of claudere, to CLOSE2] 1. a closing or being closed 2. a finish; end; conclusion 3. the feeling that one s prolonged state of emotional distress over some traumatic experience or situation… …   English World dictionary

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