- cliched cliched
- cliche'd cliched
1> избитый, стереотипный, банальный
cliche'd cliched thought шаблонная мысль, банальность
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
clichéd — [klē shād′] adj. 1. full of clichés [a dull, clichéd style] 2. trite; stereotyped [a clichéd theme] … English World dictionary
cliched — adj. repeated regularly without thought or originality. Syn: ready made, routine, stock(prenominal). [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cliched — index familiar (customary) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
clichéd, clichéed — clichéd, cliˈchéed or cliˈché d adjective Stereotyped, hackneyed • • • Main Entry: ↑cliché … Useful english dictionary
clichéd — [[t]kli͟ːʃeɪd, AM kliːʃe͟ɪd[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe something as clichéd, you mean that it has been said, done, or used many times before, and is boring or untrue. The dialogue and acting in Indecent Proposal are tired,… … English dictionary
clichéd — /klee shayd , kli /, adj. 1. full of or characterized by clichés: a clichéd, boring speech. 2. representing or expressing a cliché or stereotype; trite; hackneyed; commonplace: the old clichéd argument that girls are more affectionate than boys.… … Universalium
clichéd — adjective Date: 1928 1. marked by or abounding in clichés 2. hackneyed < a clichéd phrase > … New Collegiate Dictionary
clichéd — (also cliched) adjective showing a lack of originality; hackneyed or overused … English new terms dictionary
clichéd — cli•chéd [[t]kliˈʃeɪd, klɪ [/t]] adj. 1) cvb full of or characterized by clichés 2) cvb trite; hackneyed; commonplace: a clichéd expression[/ex] • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang
clichéd — /ˈkliʃeɪd/ (say kleeshayd) adjective done in a trite, stereotyped fashion; dull; pedestrian: *But I m not criticising the way these people make their money – just the cliched way in which they spend it. –aap news, 1998 …
clichéd — cliché (also cliche) ► NOUN 1) a hackneyed or overused phrase or opinion. 2) a very predictable or unoriginal thing or person. DERIVATIVES clichéd (also cliché d) adjective. ORIGIN French, from clicher to stereotype … English terms dictionary