- clericalize
- [ʹklerık(ə)laız] v
усиливать влияние духовенства
to clericalize a nation - подчинить государство влиянию церкви
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to clericalize a nation - подчинить государство влиянию церкви
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
clericalize — cler·i·cal·ize … English syllables
clericalize — ˈklerə̇kəˌlīz, rēk transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: French cléricaliser, from clérical + iser ize : to cause to become clerical or be influenced by clericalism … Useful english dictionary
Optatam Totius — Optatam Totius, the Decree on Priestly Training, was a document produced by the Second Vatican Council. Approved by a vote of 2,318 to 3 of the bishops assembled at the council, the decree was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on October 28, 1965. (The … Wikipedia
Alois Hudal — (also known as Luigi Hudal; 31 May, 1885 in Graz, Austro Hungarian Empire – 13 May, 1963 in Rome, Italy) was a Rome based bishop of Austrian descent. He was for thirty years head of the small Austrian German congregation of Santa Maria dell Anima … Wikipedia
cler|i|cal|ize — «KLEHR uh kuh lyz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to render clerical; exalt the influence of the clergy in: »Socialists accused Catholics of trying to “clericalize” the predominantly Catholic nation (Newsweek) … Useful english dictionary