- cleavers
- [ʹkli:vəz] n употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч. бот.
подмаренник цепкий, липушник (Galium aparine)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cleavers — [klēv′ərz] n. pl. cleavers [< CLEAVE2] any of various plants (genus Galium) of the madder family, esp. a weedy species ( G. aparine), with stalkless leaves arranged in whorls, clusters of small, white or yellow flowers, and square stems … English World dictionary
Cleavers — Cleav ers, n. [From {Cleave} to stick.] (Bot.) A species of {Galium} ({Galium Aparine}), having a fruit set with hooked bristles, which adhere to whatever they come in contact with; called also, {goose grass}, {catchweed}, etc. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cleavers — Goose Goose (g[=oo]s), n.; pl. {Geese} (g[=e]s). [OE. gos, AS. g[=o]s, pl. g[=e]s; akin to D. & G. gans, Icel. g[=a]s, Dan. gaas, Sw. g[*a]s, Russ. guse. OIr. geiss, L. anser, for hanser, Gr. chh n, Skr. ha[.m]sa. [root]233. Cf. {Gander},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cleavers — noun plural but singular or plural in construction Etymology: Middle English clivre, alteration of Old English clife burdock, cleavers; akin to Old English clifian Date: 14th century an annual bedstraw (Galium aparine) having many stalked white… … New Collegiate Dictionary
cleavers — /klee veuhrz/, n., pl. cleavers. 1. a North American plant, Galium aparine, of the madder family, having short, hooked bristles on the stems and leaves and bearing very small white flowers. 2. any of certain related species. Also, clivers. Also… … Universalium
cleavers — kibusis lipikas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Raudinių šeimos vaistinis augalas (Galium aparine), paplitęs visame pasaulyje. atitikmenys: lot. Galium aparine angl. catchweed bedstraw; cleavers; goose grass šaltinis Valstybinės lietuvių… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
cleavers — noun Galium aparine, a herbaceous annual plant of the family Rubiaceae … Wiktionary
cleavers — n. bedstraw, catchweed (also clivers) cleav·er || klɪËvÉ™(r) n. heavy butcher knife; someone or something which cleaves … English contemporary dictionary
cleavers — plural noun [treated as sing. or plural] another term for goosegrass. Origin OE clīfe; related to cleave2 … English new terms dictionary
cleavers — n. [Written also Clivers.] Hariff, goose grass, catch weed, scratch weed (Galium aparine) … New dictionary of synonyms
cleavers — cleav·ers … English syllables