
[kli:t] n
1. спец.
1) планка, рейка
2) клин
3) клемма, зажим
4) шпунт
5) соединение в шпунт
6) мор. крепительная утка, планка; крюйсов
2. авт. шпора гусеницы; грунтозацеп шины
3. наклейка на подошве обуви против скольжения

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cleat" в других словарях:

  • Cleat — Cleat, v. t. To strengthen with a cleat. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cleat — may refer to: Cleat (shoe), a type or part of a shoe Cleat (nautical), a fitting on ships, boats, and docks to which ropes are tied Cleats (comic strip), a comic strip by Bill Hinds Grouser, a protrusion on a wheel or continuous vehicle track,… …   Wikipedia

  • cleat — [klēt] n. [ME clete < OE * cleat (WGmc * klaut), a lump < IE * g(e)l eu < base * gel : see CLIMB] 1. a piece of wood, metal, or plastic, often wedge shaped, fastened to something to strengthen it or give secure footing: cleats are used… …   English World dictionary

  • Cleat — (kl[=e]t), n. [OE. clete wedge; cf. D. kloot ball, Ger. kloss, klotz, lump. clod, MHG. kl[=o]z lump, ball, wedge, OHG. chl[=o]z ball, round mass.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Carp.) A strip of wood or iron fastened on transversely to something in order to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cleat — s.n. (ŢR, Ban.) Cămară. B: Kamara. Celar, cămară, cleat. LEX. 109r. C: Klĕt. AC, 346.klĕt. cf. scr. klijet.c e l a r, s c l i p. Trimis de dante, 18.07.2006. Sursa: DLRLV …   Dicționar Român

  • cleat — [kli:t] n [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: Probably from an unrecorded Old English cleat] 1.) a small bar with two short arms around which ropes can be tied, especially on a ship 2.) [usually plural] a short piece of rubber, metal etc attached to the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cleat — (n.) c.1300, clete wedge, from O.E. *cleat a lump, from W.Gmc. *klaut firm lump (Cf. M.L.G. klot, klute, M.Du. cloot, Du. kloot, O.H.G. kloz, Ger. kloß clod, dumpling ), from PIE root *gleu to form into a ball ( …   Etymology dictionary

  • cleat — cleat·er; cleat; …   English syllables

  • cleat — [ klit ] noun count 1. ) a piece of metal or hard plastic attached to the bottom of a shoe in order to prevent it from slipping on the ground a ) cleats plural AMERICAN a pair of shoes with these pieces 2. ) a metal object that you tie a rope… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • cleat — ► NOUN 1) a T shaped or similar projection to which a rope may be attached. 2) a projecting wedge on a spar, tool, etc., to prevent slippage. DERIVATIVES cleated adjective. ORIGIN Germanic, related to CLOT(Cf. ↑clot) and CLOUT(Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • cleat — I. noun Etymology: Middle English clete wedge, from Old English *clēat; akin to Middle High German klōz lump more at clout Date: 14th century 1. a. a wedge shaped piece fastened to or projecting from something and serving as a support or check b …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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