- clayey
- [ʹkleıı] a
1. глинистый
clayey brick - необожжённый кирпич
clayey soil - суглинок
2. покрытый, измазанный или заляпанный глиной
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
clayey brick - необожжённый кирпич
clayey soil - суглинок
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Clayey — Clay ey, a. Consisting of clay; abounding with clay; partaking of clay; like clay. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clayey — [klā′ē] adj. clayier, clayiest 1. of, smeared with, or full of clay 2. like clay: also clayish … English World dictionary
clayey — adjective Resembling or containing clay. The shores of the rivers and creeks are chiefly planted with coffee, to the distance of about 30 miles from the sea : thence 30 miles farther up, the soil becomes clayey and more fit for sugar canes<! word … Wiktionary
clayey — adj. Clayey is used with these nouns: ↑soil … Collocations dictionary
clayey — clay ► NOUN 1) a sticky impermeable earth that can be moulded when wet and baked to make bricks and pottery. 2) literary the substance of the human body. DERIVATIVES clayey adjective. ORIGIN Old English, related to CLEAVE(Cf. ↑cleave) and CLIMB … English terms dictionary
clayey — adjective 1. resembling or containing clay argillaceous rocks • Syn: ↑argillaceous • Ant: ↑arenaceous (for: ↑argillaceous) • Derivationally related forms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
clayey — adjective see clay … New Collegiate Dictionary
clayey — /klay ee/, adj., clayier, clayiest. 1. covered or smeared with clay. 2. like or resembling clay. 3. full of or abounding in clay. Also, clayish. [bef. 1050; ME cleii, OE claeig; see CLAY1, EY1] * * * … Universalium
clayey — clay·ey || kleɪɪ adj. pertaining to clay, like clay … English contemporary dictionary
clayey — adj clayish, claylike, argillaceous, argillitic, Obs. loamy, earthy; pasty, gummy, sticky, adhesive, gluey, viscid, viscous, viscoid; plastic, fictile, malleable, moldable, formable; tractable, yielding, pliant, flexible … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
clayey — clay·ey … English syllables