clamour — n. and v. same as {clamor}. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clamour — (US clamor) ► NOUN 1) a loud and confused noise. 2) a vehement protest or demand. ► VERB ▪ (of a group) make a clamour. DERIVATIVES clamorous adjective. ORIGIN Latin clamor, from … English terms dictionary
clamour — British English spelling of CLAMOR (Cf. clamor) (q.v.); for spelling, see OR (Cf. or). Related: Clamouring; clamourous … Etymology dictionary
clamour — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} (BrE) (AmE clamor) noun ADJECTIVE ▪ noisy ▪ growing ▪ public ▪ sudden VERB + CLAMOUR/CLAMOR … Collocations dictionary
clamour — I n. 1) an insistent; loud; public clamour 2) a clamour against; for (a clamour against new taxes) II v. 1) (d; intr.) to clamour for (to clamour for justice) 2) (E) they were clamouring to see the senator * * * [ klæmə] loud public clamour for… … Combinatory dictionary
clamour — clam|our1 BrE clamor AmE [ˈklæmə US ər] n [singular, U] 1.) a very loud noise made by a large group of people or animals ▪ He shouted over the rising clamour of voices. 2.) the expression of feelings of anger and shock by a large number of people … Dictionary of contemporary English
clamour — I UK [ˈklæmə(r)] / US [ˈklæmər] noun [singular/uncountable] formal 1) an urgent request for something by a lot of people clamour for: There is a growing clamour for a ban on genetically modified foods. 2) a very loud noise made by a lot of people … English dictionary
clamour — [[t]klæ̱mə(r)[/t]] clamours, clamouring, clamoured (in AM, use clamor) 1) VERB If people are clamouring for something, they are demanding it in a noisy or angry way. [JOURNALISM] [V for n] ...competing parties clamouring for the attention of the… … English dictionary
clamour — Clamor Clam or, n. [OF. clamour, clamur, F. clameur, fr. L. clamor, fr. clamare to cry out. See {Claim}.] 1. A great outcry or vociferation; loud and continued shouting or exclamation from many people. Shak. [Also spelled {clamour}.] Syn: clamor … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clamour — /ˈklæmə / (say klamuh) noun 1. a loud outcry. 2. a vehement expression of desire or dissatisfaction. 3. popular outcry. 4. any loud and continued noise. –verb (i) 5. to make a clamour; raise an outcry. –verb (t) 6. to drive, force, put, etc., by… …
clamour — n. & v. (US clamor) n. 1 loud or vehement shouting or noise. 2 a protest or complaint; an appeal or demand. v. 1 intr. make a clamour. 2 tr. utter with a clamour. Derivatives: clamorous adj. clamorously adv. clamorousness n. Etymology: ME f. OF f … Useful english dictionary