- civet cat
- [ʹsıvıtkæt]
1) зоол. виверра, циветта (Viverra civetta)2) разг. надушенный (цибетином) человек [см. civet 2]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
civet cat — Civet Civ et (s[i^]v [e^]t), n. [F. civette (cf. It. zibetto) civet, civet cat, fr. LGr. zape tion, fr. Ar. zub[=a]d, zab[=a]d, civet.] 1. A substance, of the consistence of butter or honey, taken from glands in the anal pouch of the civet… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Civet cat — is an imprecise term that is used for a variety of cat like creatures including: Civets, of the families Viverridae and Nandiniidae Ring tailed Cat or North American Civet Cat (Bassariscus astutus), related to the raccoons Leopard Cat… … Wikipedia
civet cat — n any of several carnivorous mammals (family Viverridae) esp a long bodied short legged African animal (Civettictis civetta) that produces most of the civet of commerce … Medical dictionary
civet cat — n. 1. any of several nocturnal, catlike carnivores (family Viverridae) of Africa, India, Malaysia, and S China, with spotted, yellowish fur: valued for its CIVET (sense 1) ☆ 2. CACOMISTLE … English World dictionary
civet cat — noun 1. raccoon like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings • Syn: ↑bassarisk, ↑cacomistle, ↑cacomixle, ↑coon cat, ↑raccoon fox, ↑ringtail, ↑ring tailed cat, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
civet cat — noun Date: 1607 1. civet 1 2. ringtail 2 3. any of several small spotted skunks (genus Spilogale) of western North America … New Collegiate Dictionary
civet cat — 1. cacomistle. 2. the fur of the cacomistle. 3. Western U.S. skunk. Also called California mink (for defs. 1, 2). [1600 10, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
civet cat — n. catlike carnivorous mammal (native to Africa and Asia) … English contemporary dictionary
civet-cat — … Useful english dictionary
Civet — Civ et (s[i^]v [e^]t), n. [F. civette (cf. It. zibetto) civet, civet cat, fr. LGr. zape tion, fr. Ar. zub[=a]d, zab[=a]d, civet.] 1. A substance, of the consistence of butter or honey, taken from glands in the anal pouch of the civet ({Viverra… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
civet — [siv′it] n. [Fr civette < It zibetto < Ar zabād] 1. a yellowish, fatty substance with a musklike scent, secreted by a gland near the genitals of the civet cat and used in making some perfumes 2. the civet cat 3. its fur … English World dictionary