city hall

city hall
[͵sıtıʹhɔ:l] амер.
1. ратуша, здание муниципалитета, городского совета
2. муниципалитет, городской совет

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "city hall" в других словарях:

  • city hall — city halls also City Hall N COUNT; N PROPER The city hall is the building which a city council uses as its main offices. There were speeches outside the City Hall. Sheffield City Hall …   English dictionary

  • city hall — n 1.) [U] AmE the government of a city ▪ The recycling program simply hasn t been a high priority at City Hall. 2.) [C usually singular] the building a city government uses as its offices …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • city hall — ☆ city hall n. 1. a building which houses the offices of a municipal government 2. a municipal government fight city hall Informal to take up the apparently futile fight against petty or impersonal bureaucratic authority …   English World dictionary

  • city hall — noun AMERICAN count the building where the officials who manage a city work a. uncount the officials who manage a city …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • City Hall — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. City Hall signifie Hôtel de ville en anglais. Lieux physiques New York City Hall Philadelphia City Hall Chicago City Hall City Hall and City Duma Phoenix… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • City Hall — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel City Hall Produktionsland USA …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • city hall — noun a building that houses administrative offices of a municipal government • Hypernyms: ↑hall * * * ↑city hall * * * ˌcity ˈhall [city hall] noun countable …   Useful english dictionary

  • city hall — UK / US noun Word forms city hall : singular city hall plural city halls American a) [countable/uncountable] the building where the council members and officials who manage a city work b) [uncountable] the council members and officials who manage …   English dictionary

  • city hall — cit′y hall′ n. 1) gov the administration building of a city government 2) gov a city government 3) gov Informal. bureaucratic rules and regulations, esp. of a city government: You can t fight city hall[/ex] • Etymology: 1665–75, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • city hall — noun a) The building that houses a citys government. The vice mayor has an office on the third floor of city hall. b) The city government; government in general. You cant fight city hall …   Wiktionary

  • city hall — (often caps.) 1. the administration building of a city government. 2. a city administration or government. 3. Informal. a bureaucracy or bureaucratic rules and regulations, esp. that of a city government: You can t fight city hall. [1665 75, Amer …   Universalium

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