- citrine
- 1. [ʹsıtrın] n
1. лимонный или лимонно-жёлтый цвет2. мин. цитрин, фальшивый топаз2. [ʹsıtrın] aлимонный (о цвете); лимонно-жёлтый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Citrine — Catégorie IX : silicates[1] Citrine Minas Gerais Brésil (18x6cm) … Wikipédia en Français
citrine — ● citrine nom féminin Quartz jaune à brun jaune (couleur naturelle ou obtenue par chauffage, par exemple, d une améthyste). ● citrin, citrine adjectif (latin médiéval citrinus) D une couleur jaune citron. citrine [sitʀin] n. f. ÉTYM. 1832; du lat … Encyclopédie Universelle
Citrine — (Бангалор,Индия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: # 211, S.C. Road, Seshadripuram … Каталог отелей
Citrine — [sɪ triːn], Walter McLennan, Baron (seit 1946) Citrine of Wembley [ɔf wemblɪ], britischer Gewerkschaftsführer, * Liverpool 22. 8. 1887, ✝ Brixham (County Devon) 22. 1. 1983; Mechaniker, seit 1914 Gewerkschaftssekretär, 1926 46 Generalsekretär… … Universal-Lexikon
Citrine — Cit rine, a. [F. citrin. See {Citron}.] Like a citron or lemon; of a lemon color; greenish yellow. [1913 Webster] {Citrine ointment} (Med.), a yellowish mercurial ointment, the {unguentum hydrargyri nitratis}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Citrine — Cit rine, n. A yellow, pellucid variety of quartz. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Citrine — Citrine, der reingelbe Bergkrystall … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
citrine — [si′trin, si′trēn΄, si′trīn΄] adj. [OFr < ML citrinus < L citrus,CITRUS] of the yellow color of a lemon n. 1. lemon yellow 2. a yellow, semiprecious variety of quartz resembling topaz … English World dictionary
Citrine — For the politician of this name, see Walter McLennan Citrine, 1st Baron Citrine, for the GFP protein derivative, see Yellow fluorescent protein . Citrine is a variety of quartz. It ranges in color from a pale yellow to brown. Citrine has ferric… … Wikipedia
citrine — /si treen, truyn, trin, si treen /, adj. 1. pale yellow; lemon colored. n. 2. a translucent, yellow variety of quartz, often sold as topaz; false topaz; topaz quartz. [1350 1400; ME < AF; see CITRUS, INE1] * * * Transparent, coarse grained… … Universalium
Citrine — This unusual and interesting name is of Italian French origins. It derives from Citron or Citrini, and is job descriptive or locational for one who lived or worked at a lemon grove. It is also possible that originally the name was a nickname for… … Surnames reference