- circinate
- [ʹsɜ:sıneıt] a бот.
свёрнутый в кольцо
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Circinate — Cir ci*nate, a. [L. circinatus, p. p. of circinare to make round, fr. circinus a pair of compasses, from Gr. ? a circle.] (Bot.) Rolled together downward, the tip occupying the center; a term used in reference to foliation or leafing, as in ferns … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Circinate — Cir ci*nate, v. t. To make a circle around; to encompass. [Obs.] Bailey. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
circinate — [sʉr′sə nāt΄] adj. [L circinatus, pp. of circinare, to make round < circinus, a pair of compasses < Gr kirkinos < kirkos: see CIRCUS] rounded or circular; specif., rolled into a coil on its axis with the apex in the center, as the new… … English World dictionary
circinate — adjective Etymology: Latin circinatus, past participle of circinare to round, from circinus pair of compasses, from circus Date: 1830 rounded, coiled; especially rolled in the form of a flat coil with the apex as a center < circinate fern fronds… … New Collegiate Dictionary
circinate — Circular; ring shaped. [L. circinatus, made round, pp. of circino, to make round, fr. circinus, a pair of compasses] * * * cir·ci·nate sər sən .āt adj of lesions having a sharply circumscribed and somewhat circular margin <scaly circinate… … Medical dictionary
Circinate balanitis — A form of skin inflammation around the penis in males with Reiter s syndrome. The skin around the shaft and tip (glans) penis can become inflamed and scale. This inflammation around the penis can be helped by cortisone creams (such as TOPICORT).… … Medical dictionary
circinate retinopathy — a condition marked by a circle of white spots enclosing the macular area, leading to complete foveal blindness; called also retinitis circinata or circinate retinitis … Medical dictionary
circinate — adj. [Gr. kerkos, circle] Ring shaped; spirally rolled … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
circinate — circinately, adv. /serr seuh nayt /, adj. 1. made round; ring shaped. 2. Bot., Mycol. rolled up on the axis at the apex, as a leaf or fruiting body. [1820 30; < L circinatus (ptp. of circinare to make round), equiv. to circin(us) pair of… … Universalium
circinate — adjective a) Used of leaves or similar parts that are coiled on themselves from the apex toward their base. b) Round or ring shaped, particularly with distinct margins forming some sort of motive; annular … Wiktionary
circinate — ring shaped; rolled inwards; spiralling Shapes and Resemblance … Phrontistery dictionary