cinematography — (n.) 1897, from cinematograph (1896), from Fr. cínématographe, from Gk. kinemat , comb. form of kinema movement, from kinein to move (see CITE (Cf. cite)) + graphein to write (see GRAPHY (Cf. graphy)) … Etymology dictionary
cinematography — ► NOUN ▪ the art of photography and camerawork in film making. DERIVATIVES cinematographer noun cinematographic adjective … English terms dictionary
cinematography — [sin΄ə mə tä′grəfē] n. [< cinematograph, film projector < Fr cinématographe < Gr kinēma (gen. kinēmatos), motion + graphein, to write] the art, science, and work of photography in making films cinematographic [sin΄əmat΄ə graf′ik] adj.… … English World dictionary
Cinematography — Cinematographic redirects here. For the 2007 rock album, see Cinematographic (album). Cinematography (from Greek: kinema κίνημα movement and graphein γράφειν to record ) is the making of lighting and camera choices when recording photographic… … Wikipedia
cinematography — /sin euh meuh tog reuh fee/, n. the art or technique of motion picture photography. [1895 1900; see CINEMATOGRAPH, GRAPHY] * * * Art and technology of motion picture photography. It involves the composition of a scene, lighting of the set and… … Universalium
cinematography — [[t]sɪ̱nɪmətɒ̱grəfi[/t]] N UNCOUNT Cinematography is the technique of making films for the cinema. admirer of Arthur Jafa s breathtaking cinematography … English dictionary
cinematography — /sɪnəməˈtɒgrəfi / (say sinuhmuh togruhfee) noun 1. the art of film photography: the cinematography in that new French film is outstanding. 2. the practice of film photography: she is studying cinematography. –cinematographer, noun… …
cinematography — cin·e·ma·tog·ra·phy .sin ə mə täg rə fē n, pl phies the art or science of motion picture photography <X ray fluoroscopic cinematography> cin·e·mat·o·graph·ic .mat ə graf ik adj cin·e·mat·o·graph·i·cal·ly i k(ə )lē adv … Medical dictionary
cinematography — cin|e|ma|tog|ra|phy [ˌsınıməˈtɔgrəfi US ˈta: ] n [U] [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: cinematograph; CINEMA] the skill or study of making films ▪ with impressive cinematography by Robert Surtees >cinematographer n … Dictionary of contemporary English
cinematography — noun (U) technical the skill or study of making films: with impressive cinematography by Robert Surtees cinematographer noun (C) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Cinematography Mailing List — The Cinematography Mailing List is a website and collection of mailing lists founded by Geoffboyle/Geoff Boyle in November 1996. The CML is run on a volunteer basis by professional cinematographers to promote the free exchange of ideas among… … Wikipedia