- cimices
- [ʹsımısi:z] pl от cimex
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cimices — Cimex Ci mex, n.; pl. {Cimices}. [L., a bug.] (Zo[ o]l.) A genus of hemipterous insects of which the bedbug is the best known example. See {Bedbug}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cimice — {{hw}}{{cimice}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Insetto terrestre o acquatico che emette un odore sgradevole | Cimice dei letti, con piccolo corpo depresso di colore rossastro, parassita anche dell uomo | Cimice delle piante, parassita di vegetali. 2 (region.)… … Enciclopedia di italiano
Cimex — Ci mex, n.; pl. {Cimices}. [L., a bug.] (Zo[ o]l.) A genus of hemipterous insects of which the bedbug is the best known example. See {Bedbug}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cimex — /suy meks/, n., pl. cimices /sim euh seez /. a bedbug of the genus Cimex. [1575 85; < NL, L cimex bedbug] * * * … Universalium
cimex — noun Any member of the genus Cimex, especially the bedbug. Some of these cimices are extremely pretty, but if handled emit their disagreeable perfume. I have met with about a dozen species of these bugs … Wiktionary
noyer — 1. (no ié ; plusieurs prononcent noi ié ; J r ne se lie jamais ; au pluriel, l s se lie : des no ié z en fleur) s. m. 1° Genre de la famille des juglandées. Le noyer commun, qui a plusieurs variétés, telles que le noyer à coque dure, le… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
punaise — (pu nê z ) s. f. 1° Genre de l ordre des hémiptères, dont l espèce la plus connue est la punaise des lits, cimex lectularius, Linné ; l odeur en est fétide. Populairement, avoir le ventre plat comme une punaise, se dit d une personne qui est … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
MICROSCOPIUM — Graece μικροσκόπιον, nomen instrumenti optici, quô etiam minima ita exacte videnda offeruntur, ut et in iis Creatoris sapientiam potentiamque insigniter admirari liceat. Cuius rei specimina exhibentur in pulice, aliisque quibusdam minutiis, in… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
NITEDULA — inter animalia minima, memoratur Arnobie adv. Gent. l. 2. Non enim, si negemus muscas, scarabaeos et cimices, nitedulas, curculiones et tineas, omnipotentis esse Regis opus, sequciter postulandum a nobis est, ut quis ea fecerit institueritque,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
cimex — /ˈsaɪmɛks/ (say suymeks) noun (plural cimices /ˈsaɪməsiz/ (say suymuhseez)) an insect of the genus Cimex, especially the bed bug …
cimex — [sī′meks΄] n. pl. cimices [sim′i sēz΄] [ModL < L, a bug < IE base * k̑i , dark gray > Russ sinij, dark blue] any of a genus (Cimex) of broad, flat, nearly wingless, bloodsucking, hemipterous bugs, including the common bedbug … English World dictionary