- cimbalom
- [ʹsımbələm] n муз.
венгерские цимбалы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cimbalom — Top view and playing area of a modern concert cimbalom Classification String instrument (struck or plucked) Playing range … Wikipedia
Cimbalom — [ungarisch, tsɪmbalom], Hackbrett … Universal-Lexikon
cimbalom — or cymbalom [sim′bə ləm] n. [Hung czimbalom < L cymbalum,CYMBAL] a type of large dulcimer associated with Hungarian folk music … English World dictionary
Cimbalom — Cymbalum Sommaire 1 Cimbalom hongrois 2 Czimbalum tchéco slovaque 3 Tambal roumano moldave 4 Tsymbaly biélorusse … Wikipédia en Français
cimbalom — /sim beuh leuhm/, n. cymbalom. * * * ▪ musical instrument an elaborate stringed instrument of the dulcimer family used in small music ensembles by central European Roma (Gypsies). The instrument has a trapezoidal body that stands on four legs.… … Universalium
Cimbalom — Das Cimbalom ist ein schon seit zirka 5000 Jahren im Gebiet des heutigen Irak bekanntes zitherähnliches Saiteninstrument. Gespielt wird es sowohl durch Anschlagen mit zwei Klöppeln als auch durch Zupfen der Saiten. Aufgrund der weiten regionalen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cimbalom — It is thought that the cimbalom was brought to Europe by the Gypsies. It is a stringed instrument played with sticks and is related to the Indian santur. In the 19th century it was enlarged and provided with legs, which is the way it is played … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
cimbalom — noun A type of concert hammer dulcimer found primarily in the music of Eastern Europe … Wiktionary
cimbalom — n. cembalom, large dulcimer from Hungary and used particularly in Hungarian folk music … English contemporary dictionary
cimbalom — [ sɪmb(ə)l(ə)m] noun a large Hungarian dulcimer. Origin C19: from Hungarian, from Ital. cembalo, cimbalo, from L. cymbalum (see cymbal) … English new terms dictionary
cimbalom — cim·ba·lom … English syllables