
[ʹɑ:ftəsaʋnd] n
отзвук, отголосок; впечатление; резонанс; эхо

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "aftersound" в других словарях:

  • aftersound — Subjective persistence of an auditory sensation after the stimulus stops …   Medical dictionary

  • aftersound — n. subjective persistence of an auditory stimulus after cessation of the stimulus …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sound — 1. The vibrations produced by a sounding body, transmitted by the air or other medium, and perceived by the internal ear. 2. An elongated cylindrical, usually curved, instrument of metal, used for exploring the bladder or other cavities of the… …   Medical dictionary

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