- cigarette
- [͵sıgəʹret] n
1. сигарета; папироса
cigarette paper - папиросная бумага
2. (Cigarette) амер. большая моторная лодка с открытым кокпитом для прибрежных гонок
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cigarette paper - папиросная бумага
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cigarette — [ sigarɛt ] n. f. • 1831, rare av. 1840; de 1. cigare 1 ♦ Petit rouleau de tabac haché et enveloppé dans un papier fin. ⇒fam. cibiche, clope, pipe, sèche, tige. Paquet, cartouche de cigarettes. Feuille de papier à cigarette. Rouler une cigarette … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cigarette — Cig a*rette , n. [F. cigarette.] A little cigar; a little fine tobacco rolled in paper for smoking. [Also spelled {cigaret}.] Syn: cigarette, fag, weed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cigarette — (n.) 1835, American English, from Fr. cigarette (19c.), dim. of cigare cigar (18c.; see CIGAR (Cf. cigar)). Spanish form cigarito, cigarita also was popular mid 19c … Etymology dictionary
cigarette — is normally stressed on the third syllable in BrE and on the first syllable in AmE. Even in BrE, however, the stress can fall on the first syllable when the rhythm of the sentence seems to prefer this (as in Cigarettes are dear) … Modern English usage
cigarette — (US also cigaret) ► NOUN ▪ a cylinder of finely cut tobacco rolled in paper for smoking. ORIGIN French, little cigar … English terms dictionary
cigarette — or cigaret [sig΄ə ret′, sig′ə ret΄] n. [Fr dim. of cigare, cigar < Sp cigarro: see CIGAR] a small roll of finely cut tobacco wrapped in thin paper for smoking and usually having a filter tip … English World dictionary
Cigarette — For other uses, see Cigarette (disambiguation). Cig redirects here. For other uses, see Cig (disambiguation). Two unlit, filtered f6 brand cigarettes from Germany. A cigarette (from Mayan Siyar; to smoke rolled tobacco leaves [1] … Wikipedia
Cigarette — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cigarette (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
cigarette — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ lighted, lit, unlit ▪ He accidentally dropped a lighted cigarette on the chair. ▪ half smoked ▪ illicit ▪ … Collocations dictionary
cigarette — n. 1) to light (up); puff on, smoke a cigarette 2) to roll a cigarette (he used to roll his own cigarettes) 3) to extinguish. put out, stub out a cigarette 4) a live cigarette 5) a filter tip; king size; low tar; mentholated cigarette 6) a… … Combinatory dictionary
cigarette — /sig euh ret , sig euh ret /, n. a cylindrical roll of finely cut tobacco cured for smoking, considerably smaller than most cigars and usually wrapped in thin white paper. Also, cigaret. [1820 30; < F, equiv. to cigare CIGAR + ette ETTE] * * *… … Universalium