- church key
- [͵tʃɜ:tʃʹki:]
1) ключ от церкви2) разг. открывалка (особ. для пивных бутылок или банок)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
church key — church′ key n. Slang. cvb sts a small metal can opener for punching holes in the top of a beverage can, as of beer • Etymology: 1950–55 … From formal English to slang
church key — ☆ church key n. Slang a device for opening cans, esp. originally beer cans, by punching a V shaped hole in the top … English World dictionary
church key — noun can opener that has a triangular pointed end that pierces the tops of cans • Hypernyms: ↑can opener, ↑tin opener * * * noun : an implement with a triangular pointed head at one end for piercing the tops of cans (as of beer) and usually a… … Useful english dictionary
church key — n. a beer can opener. □ Where is the church key when I need it? □ I have a church key in my glove compartment … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
church key — Canadian Slang [chur ch kee] bottle opener I use my church key often … English dialects glossary
church key — np Can or bottle opener. I need to open a Coke; does anyone have a church key? 1950s … Historical dictionary of American slang
church key — noun Date: circa 1953 an implement with a triangular pointed head at one end for piercing the tops of cans and often with a rounded head at the other end for opening bottles … New Collegiate Dictionary
church key — Slang. a small metal can opener having a sharp triangular pointed end for punching holes in the top of a beverage can, as of beer. [1950 55] * * * … Universalium
church key — noun A can opener having a triangular tip that pierces the can … Wiktionary
church key — n a bottle opener. A (mainly middle aged) drinkers witticism … Contemporary slang
church-key — … Useful english dictionary