- chthonian chthonic
chthonian, chthonic
1> _греч. _миф. подземный, хтонический
chthonian, chthonic gods хтонические божества, владыки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
chthonic — adjective /ˈkθɒnɪk,ˈθɑ.nɪk/ Dwelling within or under the earth. The young pantheon had remanded their elders to the role of smouldering, chthonic gods; to inhabiting dark, deep places, hidden from mortal eyes and influence. See Also: chthonian,… … Wiktionary
Chthonian — Chtho ni*an, a. [Gr. ? in or under the earth, fr. ?, ?, earth.] Designating, or pertaining to, gods or spirits of the underworld; esp., relating to the underworld gods of the Greeks, whose worship is widely considered as more primitive in form… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chthonic — [thän′ik] adj. 1. CHTHONIAN 2. dark, primitive, and mysterious * * * chthon·ic (thŏnʹĭk) also chtho·ni·an (thōʹnē ən) adj. Greek Mythology Of or relating to the … Universalium
chthonic — 1882, with suffix IC (Cf. ic), from Gk. khthonios of the earth, in the earth, from khthon the earth, solid surface of the earth (mostly poetic) from PIE root *dhghem (Cf. Gk. khamai on the ground, first element in CHAMELEON (Cf. chameleon); also… … Etymology dictionary
chthonic — [thän′ik] adj. 1. CHTHONIAN 2. dark, primitive, and mysterious … English World dictionary
Chthonian (Cthulhu Mythos) — Chthonians ( /ˈθoʊn … Wikipedia
chthonic — also chthonian adjective Etymology: Greek chthon , chthōn earth more at humble Date: 1882 of or relating to the underworld ; infernal < chthonic deities > … New Collegiate Dictionary
chthonian — adjective see chthonic … New Collegiate Dictionary
chthonian — /thoh nee euhn/, adj. Class. Myth. of or pertaining to the deities, spirits, and other beings dwelling under the earth. Also, chthonic /thon ik/. [1840 50; < Gk chthóni(os) (chthon , s. of chthón earth + ios adj. suffix) + AN; akin to L humus… … Universalium
chthonian — adjective /ˈθəʊnɪən/ Pertaining to the underworld; being beneath the earth. See Also: chthonic … Wiktionary
chthonian — Synonyms and related words: Acherontic, Druid, Hadean, Lethean, Parsi, Plutonian, Plutonic, Sabaist, Satan worshiper, Satanist, Stygian, Tartarean, Zoroastrian, animal worshiper, anthropolater, arborolater, archaeolater, bibliolatrous, chthonic,… … Moby Thesaurus