- chromophotography
- [͵krəʋmə(ʋ)fəʹtɒgrəfı] n фото
цветная фотография
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Chromophotography — is a technique, somewhere between painting and photography, which evolved in the second half of the 19th century. Firstly, two prints of the photograph were made. One was hand painted with very bright colours; the other was painted in paler… … Wikipedia
Chromophotography — Chro mo*pho*tog ra*phy, n. [Gr. ? color + E. photography.] The art of producing photographs in colors [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chromophotography — n. colour photography … Dictionary of difficult words
Alexander Seik — (September 6, 1824 October 2, 1905), also known as Alex Sejk was a pioneer of Czech photography, one of foremost exponents of chromophotography, painter and mayor of city Tábor. Biography Alexander Seik was born in Mirotice near Písek, Czech… … Wikipedia
chro|mo|pho|to|graph|ic — «KROH moh FOH tuh GRAF ihk», adjective. having to do with chromophotography … Useful english dictionary