- chromic
- [ʹkrəʋmık] a хим.
chromic dyeing - хромовое крашение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
chromic dyeing - хромовое крашение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Chromic — means of, relating to, or containing chromium. Chromic acid Chromic phenomenon Chromic anhydride Chromic oxide chromic chloride This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
Chromic — Chro mic, a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, chromium; said of the compounds of chromium in which it has its higher valence. [1913 Webster] {Chromic acid}, an acid, {H2CrO4}, analogous to sulphuric acid, not readily obtained in the free… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chromic — [krō′mik] adj. of or containing trivalent chromium … English World dictionary
chromic — /kroh mik/, adj. 1. of or containing chromium in the trivalent state, as chromic hydroxide, Cr(OH)3. 2. of or derived from chromic acid. [1790 1800; CHROM(IUM) + IC] * * * … Universalium
chromic — adj. Chem. of or containing trivalent chromium. Phrases and idioms: chromic acid an acid that exists only in solution or in the form of chromate salts … Useful english dictionary
Chromic acid — IUPAC name Chromic acid … Wikipedia
Chromic acid — Chromic Chro mic, a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, chromium; said of the compounds of chromium in which it has its higher valence. [1913 Webster] {Chromic acid}, an acid, {H2CrO4}, analogous to sulphuric acid, not readily obtained in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chromic anhydride — Chromic Chro mic, a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, chromium; said of the compounds of chromium in which it has its higher valence. [1913 Webster] {Chromic acid}, an acid, {H2CrO4}, analogous to sulphuric acid, not readily obtained in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chromic anhydride — chromic acid … Medical dictionary
chromic acid — n. an acid, H2CrO4, existing only in solution or known in the form of its salts … English World dictionary
Chromic acid cell — The Chromic acid cell was a type of primary cell which used chromic acid as a depolarizer. The chromic acid was usually made by acidifying (with sulfuric acid) a solution of potassium dichromate. The old name for potassium dichromate was… … Wikipedia