- choregi
- [kɒʹri:dʒaı] pl от choregus
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
choragus — choragic /keuh raj ik, ray jik/, adj. /keuh ray geuhs, koh , kaw /, n., pl. choragi / juy/, choraguses. 1. (in ancient Greece) a. the leader of a dramatic chorus. b. a person who undertook the expense of providing for such a chorus. 2. any… … Universalium
choregus — /keuh ree geuhs, kaw , koh /, n., pl. choregi / juy/, choreguses. choragus. * * * … Universalium
choregus — variant of choragus * * * /keuh ree geuhs, kaw , koh /, n., pl. choregi / juy/, choreguses. choragus. * * * choregus var. choragus … Useful english dictionary