- cholangitis
- [͵kəʋlənʹdʒaıtıs] n мед.
холангит, воспаление жёлчных путей
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cholangitis — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 K83.0 Cholangitis K80.3 K80.4 Cholangitis mit Choledocholithiasis K74.3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cholangitis — Infobox Disease Name = Cholangitis Caption = DiseasesDB = 2514 ICD10 = ICD10|K|83|0|k|80 ICD9 = ICD9|576.1 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = med eMedicineTopic = 2665 eMedicine mult = eMedicine2|emerg|96 | MeshID = D002761 Cholangitis… … Wikipedia
cholangitis — Inflammation of a bile duct or the entire biliary tree. SYN: angiocholitis, cholangeitis. [chol + G. angeion, vessel, + itis, inflammation] ascending c. SYN: c. lenta. c. lenta (len ta′) low grade … Medical dictionary
cholangitis — n. inflammation of the bile ducts. It usually occurs when the ducts are obstructed, especially by stones, or after operations on the bile ducts. Symptoms include intermittent fever, usually with rigors, and intermittent jaundice (a combination… … The new mediacal dictionary
Cholangitis — Entzündung der Gallengänge * * * Cholangitis [ç ] die, /... tiden, Entzündung der Gallenwege (Gallenblasenentzündung). * * * Cho|lan|gi|tis, die; , ...itiden (Med.): Entzündung der Gallengänge (einschließlich der Gallenblase) … Universal-Lexikon
Cholangitis (disambiguation) — Cholangitis is any inflammation of the biliary tree, including: Ascending cholangitis, a severe acute bacterial infection associated with gallstones in the common bile duct Primary sclerosing cholangitis, a chronic autoimmune disease leading to… … Wikipedia
Cholangitis-Cholangiohepatitis-Komplex — Der Cholangitis Cholangiohepatitis Komplex (CCH Komplex) ist eine entzündliche Erkrankung der Gallenwege bei Katzen. Die Ursache der Erkrankung ist ungeklärt. Die Krankheit zeigt sich in unspezifischen klinischen Erscheinungen und ist durch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cholangitis, sclerosing — A chronic disorder of the liver in which the ducts carrying bile from the liver to the intestine and, often, the ducts carrying bile within the liver, become inflamed, thickened and scared (sclerotic), and obstructed. This relentlessly… … Medical dictionary
cholangitis lenta — chronic infectious cholangitis without gallstones or biliary tract obstruction … Medical dictionary
cholangitis — noun An inflammation of the bile duct … Wiktionary
Cholangitis — Chol|an|gi|tis auch: Cho|lan|gi|tis 〈 [xol ] f.; Gen.: , Pl.: gi|ti|den; Med.〉 Entzündung der Gallengänge [Etym.: <grch. chole »Galle« + aggeion »Gefäß«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch