- chloropicrin
- [͵klɔ:rəʹpıkrın] n хим.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Chloropicrin — IUPAC name … Wikipedia
chloropicrin — [klôr΄ō pik′rin] n. [ CHLORO + PICR(IC ACID) + IN1] a colorless liquid, CCl3NO2, prepared by treating chloroform with concentrated nitric acid, and used in chemical warfare as a poison gas, and in insecticides, fungicides, etc … English World dictionary
chloropicrin — /klawr euh pik rin, puy krin, klohr /, n. Chem., Mil. a colorless, somewhat oily, water insoluble, poisonous liquid, CCl3NO2, that causes lachrymation and headache: used as an insecticide, a fungicide, in organic synthesis, and as a war gas. Also … Universalium
chloropicrin — chlorpikrinas statusas T sritis chemija formulė CCl₃NO₂ atitikmenys: angl. chloropicrin rus. хлорпикрин ryšiai: sinonimas – trichlornitrometanas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
chloropicrin — noun Etymology: German Chlorpikrin, from chlor + Greek pikros sharp more at paint Date: circa 1889 a colorless liquid CCl3NO2 that causes tears and vomiting and is used especially as a soil fumigant … New Collegiate Dictionary
chloropicrin — noun The chlorinated derivative of nitromethane CClNO that is used as a pesticide and tear gas Syn: nitrochloroform, trichloronitromethane … Wiktionary
chloropicrin — A toxic lung irritant and lacrimatory gas; it also causes vomiting, colic, and diarrhea, and therefore is called vomiting gas. SYN: nitrochloroform. * * * chlo·ro·pic·rin .klōr ə pik rən, .klȯr n a heavy colorl … Medical dictionary
chloropicrin — n. poisonous chemical compound … English contemporary dictionary
chloropicrin — chlo·ro·pic·rin … English syllables
chloropicrin — chlo•ro•pic•rin [[t]ˌklɔr əˈpɪk rɪn, ˌkloʊr [/t]] also chlorpicrin n. chem. a poisonous liquid, CCl3NO2, used as an insecticide and fungicide and in chemical warfare • Etymology: 1885–90; chloro II+picr(ic acid)+ in I … From formal English to slang
chloropicrin — /klɔroʊˈpɪkrən/ (say klawroh pikruhn), / ˈpaɪkrən/ (say puykruhn) noun a colourless liquid, CCl3NO2, used as an insecticide and as a chemical agent in warfare; nitrochloroform; trichloronitromethane. Also, chlorpicrin. {chloro 2 + picr(ic acid) + …